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  • Kelvin J. Cochran serves as Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Faith Initiatives for Alliance Defending Freedom. His primary function is to oversee ADF’s Leadership Development Program.
  • Bernadette Tasy serves as a Media Relations Manager at Alliance Defending Freedom, focusing on issues concerning the sanctity of life and religious freedom.
  • Alice Chao serves as a Media Relations Specialist at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Logan Spena serves as legal counsel for the Center for Academic Freedom with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he defends the rights of students, professors, and organizations to speak, associate, and worship freely.
  • Caroline Reeves serves as Strategic Communications Writer at Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Bryan Neihart serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he is a member of the Center for Conscience Initiatives.
  • Chris Schandevel serves as legal counsel on Alliance Defending Freedom’s Appellate Advocacy Team.
  • Chapman Cox is chairman emeritus of the governing board of Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Paul Schmitt served as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he was a member of the Center for Christian Ministries.
  • Michael Whitehead has over 50 years of experience as a Kansas City trial attorney defending churches and ministries from trial courts to the U.S. Supreme Court.