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Alliance Defending Freedom recognizes that all gifts of support – no matter the size – are sacrificial contributions provided by our generous Allied Ministry Friends. As a servant organization, Alliance Defending Freedom is committed to responsible stewardship of our resources and to transparency in all our operations.

In accordance with standards and guidelines established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), our annual financial information is available below. When an activity includes both a fundraising element and one or more other elements, such as educational information, it is referred to as a “joint activity,” and the related costs are referred to as “joint costs.” ADF includes fundraising elements in its educational materials circulated to Ministry Friends (donors) and the public because it believes Christians who understand the ADF mission and ministry will choose to support our work through prayer, attorney and client referrals, and charitable giving. We allocate the joint costs of a fundraising element in a prayer and information letter (appeal letter) between fundraising and program costs, as provided under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The allocation of the joint costs is disclosed in Note 10 of the audited financial statements and on page 10, line 26 of Form 990.

* Per Alliance Defending Freedom audited financial statements (FYE 6/30/2022)

Ministry Friend Bill of Rights

As a Ministry Friend who supports the work and ministry of Alliance Defending Freedom, you have the right:

  • To know that Alliance Defending Freedom will never sell, rent, or make available your name or information related to your gifts for non-Alliance Defending Freedom purposes.
  • To know how Alliance Defending Freedom spends funds available to us and to be made aware of the cases or operations your gifts help fund.
  • To know that Alliance Defending Freedom is in compliance with federal, state, and municipal laws.
  • To designate your gift to one of our priority projects.
  • To receive a quick response to your inquiries about Alliance Defending Freedom finances and programs.
  • To visit our ministry offices and meet with us personally.
  • To expect that Alliance Defending Freedom will never use high-pressure tactics to solicit your support.
  • To know that Alliance Defending Freedom is efficient, organized, and well-managed.
  • To know that Alliance Defending Freedom has an involved and responsible independent Board of Directors that takes its oversight duties very seriously.
  • To know that our appeals for funds are truthful and accurate to the very best of our knowledge.

Please do not hesitate to call or write should you have any questions concerning our work.

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