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  • Federal government requires a Christian business to pay for abortion-inducing drugs for its employees.
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to provide health insurance for its employees that cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices
  • Supreme Court vindicates the rights of pro-life sidewalk counselors to engage in peaceful prayer and witness to women and men entering abortion facilities in a 9-0 victory for Free Speech.
  • ADF and its allies are preventing the City of Austin from infringing on constitutional freedoms of pro-life pregnancy centers.
  • Federal government requires a Christian family’s business to pay for abortion-inducing drugs for its employees
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent Trijicon, a family-owned business, in a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration’s abortion pill mandate,
  • A New Jersey hospital agreed to stop forcing nurses to assist in abortions after a federal court issued a temporary restraining order against the hospital.
  • NYDOT agrees with ADF attorneys to let gospel trailer stay on owner's property