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Showing 74 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2016 12 05 buzzfeed backlash nothing is gained from intolerance"
  • … Safeguarding the Rights of K-12 Educators The Constitution protects the right of every … at the schoolhouse door. Alliance Defending Freedom is committed to ensuring that all educators nationwide are … identity policy John Kluge Music teacher forced to resign from his job because of his religious beliefs. Liam Morrison …
  • … The Docket: News and Commentary Articles from ADF The FACE Act Shouldn't Be Used to Intimidate … Advocates The Biden administration’s Department of Justice is unequally applying a federal law. Are We Deaf to the Sound … did not sit idly by. The International Olympic Committee Is Playing a Dangerous Game The IOC’s inaction threatens all …
  • … Free Speech Fairness in Sports Life   What This School is Doing to Ensure Equal Treatment   Can a Court Reject You … Your Freedom for a Degree? Nolan and Nathan Didn't.   Keep 12-Year-Old Liam from Speaking? Not a Chance.   Protecting … in First Amendment Freedoms   Fired for His Personal Blog, Dr. Fox won’t be Bullied into Silence   Why the …
  • … of mainstream, conservative America. SPLC’s “Hatewatch” blog is a perfect example. SPLC says this blog “monitors and … acting outside their jurisdiction. The legal brief had nothing to do with forced sterilization. Again, this claim is … PragerU The ‘Anti-Hate’ Group that is a Hate Group (Oct. 12, 2017) · Source Orrin Hatch - U.S. Senator (Utah) ADF’s …
  • … one or two take him aside. They speak of things that have nothing to do with the horrors of the night. He listens. … arms, somebody flipped a switch, and "I squealed like a 12-year-old boy." He laughs. "And that won me great favor." … estate and travel, books and church work, there is his blog. It's something Andrew's students and friends encouraged …
  • … as women to invade female spaces. Now this mindset is infiltrating the world of sports—and it’s affecting young … and they often stay silent out of fear of retaliation and backlash. But with the help of Alliance Defending Freedom, a … needs to know that you support protecting female athletes from being forced to compete against biological males. The …
  • … for creating custom art consistent with her beliefs. This is a win for the free-speech rights of all Americans. The … our Generational Win effort to guarantee the right to life from conception to natural death. ADF worked with Mississippi … ADF CEO, following Alan Sears, who served for 23 years.   2016 A Key Victory for Life and Religious Freedom In Zubik v. …
  • … Update: House of Representatives passes Equality Act. ADF is prepared to defend your freedoms. Stand with us, today. The “Equality Act” has nothing to do with true equality In February 2021, the … * Expiration * Expiration Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Expiration Year CVV * Check / Bank Account Routing Number …
  • … ADF SCOTUS Trending Cases Free Speech Remains Free Hear from Kristen Waggoner—CEO, president, and general counsel of … Lorie Smith in 303 Creative v. Elenis.  Praise God! This is a landmark victory upholding the First Amendment’s promise … Court Victories ADF secured 15 victories in the last 12 years 303 Creative v. Elenis ADF represented graphic …
  • … you to read about the stories of  university  and  K-12  students we've helped. Finally, Alliance Defending … I find an answer to a question about a specific case? Most details about our cases involve confidential information … also stay informed about our cases and issues through our blog , Facebook , or Twitter .  Where can I go if I need …