What This School is Doing to Ensure Equal Treatment
Can a Court Reject You for Your Religious Beliefs?
How This Commercial Fishing Case Can Protect Your Freedoms
Are Student Teachers from Christian Universities Still Allowed in Public Schools?
Standing Up to State-Sponsored Discrimination
How Radical Gender Identity Threatens Homeless Women
How Radical Gender Identity Threatens Homeless Women
Why the Government Can’t Tell Faith-Based Groups Who to Hire
Defending Americans Against Biden’s Tyrannical Vaccine Mandate
Defending Americans Against Biden’s Tyrannical Vaccine Mandate
Defending Americans Against Biden’s Tyrannical Vaccine Mandate
Barred from School Choice… Because of Religion?
Bullied By its State, This Homeless Ministry Won’t Back Down
How a Playground Dispute Led To A Win For Religious Liberty At The Supreme Court
Here’s How this Pastor Responded When the City Subpoenaed His Sermons
Open Hostility Against People of Faith
Standing for the Freedom to Pray
Forcing Churches to Fund Abortion?
When Administrators Empower the Mob, Free Speech Gets Vetoed
How States Weaponize “Values” to Punish Beliefs
Christian Fireman Fired For His Beliefs
How Jesse Ramirez Went from Hospice to Healing
How Modern “Equality” Comes at Women’s Expense
Christian Student Forbidden From Wearing “Jesus Loves Me” Face Mask
Does Religious Liberty Matter During COVID-19?
Christian Adoption Agency Bullied by New York State Officials
How the Government Punished a Family Business for Sharing their Beliefs
Sandra Had to Choose: Refer Patients for Abortions or Lose Her Job
How Tammy’s Bold Stand Saved Her Daughter from “Social Transitioning”
How One State is Setting the Pace on Protecting Parental Rights
Parents are Right: It’s Time to Deradicalize Public Education
Can Schools Keep Parents in the Dark?
How Gabriella and Megan Schooled their University on Free Speech
The Real Public Enemy #1: Global Censorship
Canceling Cancel Culture One Win at a Time
Why The Babylon Bee Can’t (And Won’t) Stop Mocking Bad Ideas
No, Teachers Don’t Need to Choose Between Their Jobs and Their Freedoms
Freeing Corporate America from its Far-Left Captors
When Big Brother Contracts Out Censorship to Big Business
Is Bank of America De-Banking Religious Charities? Find Out for Yourself.
Honesty Shouldn’t Get You Fired. That’s Why Dave is Suing the School that Fired Him.
Would You Trade Your Freedom for a Degree? Nolan and Nathan Didn’t.
Keep 12-Year-Old Liam from Speaking? Not a Chance.
Protecting Free Speech on Campus in the Face of the Violent “Heckler’s Veto”
Protecting Free Speech on Campus in the Face of the Violent “Heckler’s Veto”
Pushing Back on the Biden Administration’s Social Media Censorship Game
This Doctor Chose Courage Over Fear. Would You Do the Same?
When Doctors Can’t Speak Freely, the Vulnerable Suffer Most
This Psychiatrist isn’t Caving to the Outrage Mob. And Neither Should You.
When Elected Leaders Are Silenced, What Hope Remains for Free Speech?
If Chelsey Wins, You Win. Here’s Why.
If Chelsey Wins, You Win. Here’s Why.
This High School Chose to Defend Gender Identity Instead of Girls’ Privacy
Why This College Needed a Lesson in First Amendment Freedoms
Why This College Needed a Lesson in First Amendment Freedoms
Fired for His Personal Blog, Dr. Fox won’t be Bullied into Silence
Why the Government Can’t Tell Faith-Based Groups Who to Hire
Why the Government Can’t Tell Faith-Based Groups Who to Hire
How We’re Counteracting the Threat of Corporate Censorship
How These College Students Fought Back Against Censorship
How Left-Wing Groups Are Censoring Charitable Giving
How Left-Wing Groups Are Censoring Charitable Giving
How Left-Wing Groups Are Censoring Charitable Giving
How Left-Wing Groups Are Censoring Charitable Giving
Why “Anti-Racist” School Curricula Are Hostile to Free Speech Video
When Public Universities Deny Free Speech to Students Video
When Cancel Culture Knocks on the Classroom Door
When Cancel Culture Knocks on the Classroom Door
How Free Speech Took Center Stage at a School Talent Show
America’s Freedom Isn’t Automatic—We Have to Protect It
When Administrators Empower the Mob, Free Speech Gets Vetoed
We Can Do Better Than Mere “Tolerance”
Can the Government Force You to Advocate for Abortion?
America’s Core Values Under Fire
Do Americans Have the Right to Donate Privately?
Pro-Life Group Silenced in the Heart of Our Nation’s Capital
Is America Giving Up on Free Speech?
What Happens When Speech Gets Policed? We Don’t Have to Guess.
How this City’s Crackdown on Sidewalk Conversations Robs Women of Real Choice
This College Student Was Kicked Off the Student Senate for Sharing His Catholic Beliefs
We Can Build a More Perfect Union—Without Rewriting Our Nation’s Founding
Student Group Supporters Arrested at a Public College for Exercising Their Constitutional Rights
Should a Student Get Expelled for Free Speech?
When Government Polices Private Conversations
Free Speech: Fundamental Right, or Tool of Oppression?
When Colleges Discriminate Against Conservative Speakers
Public College Silences Student for Sharing His Faith
When Free Speech Is Attacked at Public Universities
Women Deserve Equal Opportunities on the Playing Field
Women Deserve Equal Opportunities on the Playing Field
Should “Transgender Women” Be Allowed to Compete in Women’s Sports?
How This State is Censoring Life-Saving Medical Care
It’s the Greatest Human Rights Abuse of Our Time. Can We Talk About It?
She was Rescued from Human Trafficking, Now Jean Marie is Standing for Life Every Day
When the FDA Plays Politics, Lives are on the Line. We Won’t Let that Stand.
How Assisted Suicide Laws Ignore Medical Ethics and American Freedom
How the Supreme Court’s Overturning of Roe Gave America a New Lease on Life
One Government’s “Creative Solution” to Curb Sidewalk Counseling
How the Supreme Court Could Correct its Past Extreme Abortion Rulings
The Supreme Court Case That Could Overturn Roe v. Wade
Because Your Freedom Matters
Who should have the freedom to speak? Everyone? Or just those whose ideas are considered popular?
What about religious freedom? Should all Americans have the right to peacefully live out their deeply held beliefs?
In the United States, we all have a right to free speech and religious freedom. It’s enshrined in the First Amendment.
But some government officials and other individuals are trying to dismantle those rights.
This must stop—because your freedom matters.
Launched in 1994, ADF is the world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, and the sanctity of life. ADF works for true diversity, which means advocating for every person’s fundamental freedoms of speech, religion, and conscience—even those whose views differ from ours. Having the freedom to disagree and to debate our differences is what makes us American. We champion these freedoms at the U.S. Supreme Court, where we’ve represented parties in 15 wins since 2011 and played various roles in 77 wins over the last 31 years.