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Showing 95 results for "what we can learn story abortionist who hoarded bodies aborted babies"
  • Jeremy Tedesco serves as senior counsel and senior vice president of communications for Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Marcus Harris serves as Prayer Initiatives Director at Alliance Defending Freedom
  • … the ACLU and winning the battles is on the field. We are very thrilled to have had a part in their formation." … the ACLU and winning the battles is on the field. We are very thrilled to have had a part in their formation." …
  • Jake Warner serves as legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom’s Appellate Team.
  • Jordan Lorence serves as senior counsel and director of strategic engagement with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he plays a key role with the Strategic Relations and Training Team.
  • John F. Rogers is the director of operations for U.S. Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), and has served the organization since 1977.
  • Rachel Csutoros serves as legal counsel for the Center for Conscience Initiatives with Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Alan Sears served as founder of Alliance Defending Freedom, building on his experience as longtime leader of the organization to strengthen alliances, forge new relationships, and develop ADF resources.
  • Mathew Hoffmann serves as legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, where he is a key member of the Center for Academic Freedom.
  • Logan Spena serves as legal counsel for the Center for Academic Freedom with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he defends the rights of students, professors, and organizations to speak, associate, and worship freely.