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Showing 144 results for "wall calendar"
  • … boldly for the Truth—today? Thank you! … DONATE NOW … Calendar DP …
  • Our culture is riddled with anxiety and confusion. Many are rejecting the very foundations on which freedom rests. And that leaves your freedoms under threat. But that’s why faithful, courageous people like Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips turn to Alliance Defending Freedom for help. When government officials and activists misuse the law to punish those they disagree with … when people of faith are discriminated against for their beliefs … when religious freedom and free speech are violated … ADF is called upon to help. ADF exists to advance the God-given right to live and speak the truth by ...
  • When Washington State denied Shane and Jenn DeGross’ renewal application to continue fostering children in need, it did so because the DeGrosses are Christians who believe that God has created each person male or female. They wouldn’t endorse and promote the state’s radical views on gender ideology, so the state rejected them. The DeGrosses had willingly opened up their hearts and home for over nine years, to children of all backgrounds who lacked a stable and loving home environment, regardless of how the child identifies. Even though it is in desperate need of more families like the ...
  • Our call is to boldly stand with people like you to secure and advance our God-given freedoms. That means we’re on the frontlines protecting the fundamental right to speak and live the truth. But we can’t do it alone. Your generous support helps fuel our ability to: Stand with parents to protect their basic right to direct the upbringing of their children. Parents don’t relinquish that right when their kids pass through the schoolhouse door. Protect the right to speak freely—without fear of government punishment or pressure. The First Amendment guarantees our freedom to speak the truth—even if ...
  • Who is Liam? Then a 12-year-old student at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts, Liam was punished by the school for wearing a t-shirt that says, “There are only two genders.” Why what happened to Liam matters Students don’t forfeit their free speech when they walk into school. It’s not just about a shirt—it’s about government officials telling a 7 th grader that he can’t say something that’s important to him. That’s not freedom. The School’s Actions are Illegal All students have the constitutional right to exercise their free speech without having to fear being punished by ...
  • We live in strange times, when basic truths are denied, and God-given freedoms are undermined by those meant to protect us. With the many challenges we face, ADF is focusing on three areas where we expect to see your God-given rights threatened: rising government censorship, increasing dangers posed by gender ideology, and attacks on parental rights. And we also know that, even after the fall of Roe v. Wade, attacks on life—and on the laws that protect the unborn—will likely rise in the next year. ADF is going on the offense to see that your freedoms are protected—that the stand for freedom is ...
  • Our basic, God-given rights are facing serious threats across the country. When one right is taken away through a dangerous, precedent-setting law, other rights tend to fall as well. Alliance Defending Freedom is standing in the gap to undo dangerous precedents and set new ones that build a future for freedom in America, but we need your help. When you give, Alliance Defending Freedom can better defend the rights of all Americans to live and speak the truth. Will you give today? ADF is the world’s largest legal ministry committed to protecting religious liberty, freedom of speech, marriage and ...
  • In Connecticut, boys who identify as female can compete in girls’ athletic events. As a result, female athletes like Selina Soule, Alanna Smith, Chelsea Mitchell, and Ashley Nicoletti have been deprived of honors and opportunities to compete at elite levels. It’s wrong. It’s not a fair playing field. And you can help do something about it. If we stand on the sidelines, women and girls—maybe even one of your loved ones—will soon be forced to become spectators in their own sports. A broad coalition of athletes, Olympians, coaches, sports officials, 23 states, and several athletic and advocacy ...
  • No parent should be kept in the dark about what’s happening with their child at school. And no teacher should be forced to comply with mandates from gender activists forcing them to violate their beliefs. But that’s what’s happening in school districts across the country. Stand with parents who are defending their rights to raise their children according to their beliefs, and with teachers and staff willing to speak the truth to activist school officials in places like Virginia’s Harrisonburg City Public Schools (HCPS). Alliance Defending Freedom is standing with these brave parents and ...
  • The cruelty against Jack Phillips continues. Will you pray for him? You know his story: Jack is the cake artist from Colorado who serves all people but could not—and cannot—create a custom cake that expresses a message he does not believe. For Jack and so many other Christian artists, it’s never about the who. It’s always about what message they’re being asked to communicate. He cannot express every message asked of him. And because our nation’s Constitution protects free speech, he doesn’t have to. After ten years, and despite two victories, he’s still being targeted by activists who want to ...