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Showing 61 results for "stand with barronelle"
  • Stand for religious freedom Act now to protect religious … people like you who simply want to honor God with their life and work. But in 2020, the number of requests … Cases   Jack Phillips Jack Phillips    Learn More      Barronelle Stutzman Barronelle Stutzman    Learn More      …
  • Stand for Freedom Donate Now Quick Links: Meet the clients | … admission standards; women to share private spaces with men; female student-athletes to compete against males; … isn't a sprint. It's a marathon. Your gift right now will stand against attempts by the Biden administration to advance …
  • Stand for Freedom—Stand Against Indoctrination Give now to help stop … Third-grader Lydia Booth just wanted to share her faith with her schoolmates. That’s why, last year, she wore a mask with the message, “Jesus Loves Me” printed on it. But the …
  • Stand for International Religious Freedom Your gift to defend … need help to defend their religious freedom. But with so many growing threats, ADF International must be able … program and call in reinforcements when they need it. STAND FOR FREEDOM (Your gift can have up to 4x the impact!) …
  • … our children and grandchildren, we must act now. Will you stand with churches and help protect religious freedom today? When … Opposition … 3564 … 3565 … 16685 … 3566 … 3567 … Stand Against Freedom Opposition - donate …
  • … in court. Get to know them below. Or, take action and stand for free speech during this critical time with your best gift. Tanner Cross Monica Gill Kimberly Wright … in a settlement to make the reinstatement permanent. STAND WITH TANNER In the meantime, the school board adopted …
  • Stand with Us Thank you for updating your information Your generous … Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) since 1995. … Stand with Us … 16819 … 16820 … Donate - Update Credit Card …
  • … dignity of women by forcing them to share private spaces with men. We must protect the privacy and dignity of ALL … see more victims like Jack Phillips, Blaine Adamson, and Barronelle Stutzman. Children in Need The Equality Act would … to Women       Join the Alliance Oppose the Equality Act — Stand for Freedom President Biden said that he would be a …
  • … Services solely because of its belief that kids do best with a married mom and dad. But shutting down faith-based … West Michigan—along with Washington floral artist Barronelle Stutzman. Learn More What you can do Every … Services and Catholic Charities West Michigan took a brave stand against this anti-religious discrimination. With the …
  • … creative talents only for projects that are consistent with your religious beliefs, and we are dedicated to helping … heard the question, “Can I decline a job if it conflicts with my faith?” Cities and states across the country have … events and messages that are contrary to their faith. Barronelle Stutzman Owner of Arlene’s Flowers Committed to …