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Showing 90 results for "detailspages press release details labor dept federal contractors have freedom to operate according to religious beliefs"
  • Religious Freedom ISSUES Religious Freedom Most people know that … But this freedom is not merely a narrow “right to worship.” Rather, it is a broad freedom to follow God in … Affairs teams. We advocate for laws at the state and federal level that strengthen protections against religious
  • … Stand for religious freedom Act now to protect religious freedom. Each year, ADF receives an … by the First Amendment. The government should never have the power to force you to say or do something you …
  • … Stand for International Religious Freedom Your gift to defend religious freedom around the world helps protect … when they need it. STAND FOR FREEDOM (Your gift can have up to 4x the impact!) 80% win rate in advocacy matters …
  • Freedom Matters     Over 80 Million Video Views WATCH Latest … Speech Fairness in Sports Life   What This School is Doing to Ensure Equal Treatment   Can a Court Reject You for Your … School Talent Show   America’s Freedom Isn’t Automatic—We Have to Protect It   When Administrators Empower the Mob, …
  • … Stand for Freedom Donate Now Quick Links: Meet the clients | Send … suggest otherwise. The Biden administration has lived up to some of its promises. In delivering on those, they … freedoms. The administration has reinterpreted “sex” in federal laws to mean “sexual orientation” and “gender …
  • … be concerning to people like you who value religious freedom and true equality. That’s why Alliance Defending … and “gender identity” as protected classes to many federal nondiscrimination laws. And though … speech, religious freedom, and the progress that women have made toward true equal treatment under the law. Your …
  • … Alliance Defending Freedom ADF advances the God-given right to live and speak the Truth. We contend for the Truth in law, … wind with resilience and with courage. We will do—as we have done—the hard things to which God has called us with the …
  • … Get Your Free Religious Freedom Guide   Get Your Free Religious Freedom … it. Meanwhile, three out of four conservatives are afraid to even share some of their political views. That’s why we’ve …
  • … Students don’t have to leave their faith at home Christian students – from … As the public school system increases its resistance to religious expression, you and your child need to be prepared …
  • … government overreach. And it helps protect your religious freedom today—and for generations to come. Since the restrictions due to COVID-19 began, … has been able to defend churches when government officials have gone too far. We’ve filed lawsuit after lawsuit to