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Showing 81 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2019 05 09 equality act hits rewind on women s rights"
  • … The Equality Act: What You Need to Know Coercive sexual orientation and … to free speech, religious freedom, and the progress that women have made toward true equal treatment under the law. By … and education. Think of the effect this could have on your daughters’ and granddaughters’ futures! Womens
  • … The Equality Act Threatens Your Freedoms Update: House of Representatives … than ever before. And President Joe Biden campaigned on the promise that he would sign this bill into law within … to free speech, religious freedom, and the progress that women have made toward true equal treatment under the law. …
  • … Ministry Friend Bill of Rights As a Ministry Friend who supports the work and … Share This Page Facebook Twitter … Ministry Friend Bill of Rights … 19543 … 3138 … Ministry Friend Bill of Rights
  • … Safeguarding the Rights of K-12 Educators The Constitution protects the right … fear of government punishment. DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE Meet ADF's Clients … shirt with the message, "There are only two genders." ADF's Clients Speak Out Katie Medart and Rachel Sager Oregon …
  • … six states (AR, IA, MO, ND, SD, NE), ADF filed a lawsuit on behalf of Amelia Ford, a female athlete who wants to … women's sports, privacy, safety, and free speech. In 2019, ADF was the first group to file a case against policies … The ACLU is challenging Idaho’s Fairness in Womens Sports Act, but two former female college athletes are stepping in …
  • … other school officials play important roles in children's lives, they are not equivalent to parents. The law must … with allies.     The Government Can't Infringe on Parental Rights How do we defend your rights? Together … of Protection The Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act will ensure that parental rights receive the same level …
  • … Should Men Be Allowed to Compete in Women's Sports?   SIGN THE PETITION Activists are pushing … If they get their way, female athletes will soon end up on the sidelines, mere spectators of their own sports. Our … seek to intervene in defense of Fairness in Womens Sports Act… … … Should Men Be Allowed to Compete in Women's Sports? …
  • … you and your child need to be prepared to defend your rights. That’s why we’re offering this resource to you for free. Included … coaches, and teachers do as part of a religious club on campus? What rights do students have to express their …
  • … Jesse Ramirez Went from Hospice to Healing   How Modern “Equality” Comes at Womens Expense   Christian Student … “Social Transitioning”   How One State is Setting the Pace on Protecting Parental Rights   Parents are Right: It’s Time … in First Amendment Freedoms   Fired for His Personal Blog, Dr. Fox won’t be Bullied into Silence   Why the …
  • At ADF, we work daily to provide a strong legal defense for your religious freedom, the sanctity of life, free speech, and marriage and family in America.