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Showing 92 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2018 03 14 would your church be prepared if what happened in iowa happens in your state"
  • … The Equality Act Threatens Your Freedoms Update: House of Representatives passes … And President Joe Biden campaigned on the promise that he would sign this bill into law within his first 100 days if … this is true for people of faith. The Equality Act should be concerning to people like you who value religious freedom …
  • … Protecting Your Ministry Access sample statements and sample documents specific to your ministry   Documents for Churches Learn More   Documents … Christian Ministries Learn More Don’t have the Protecting Your Ministry resource? Download a digital copy here. Get The …
  • … Protect Your Ministry Download your FREE copy of our legal guide … Protect Your Ministry … 3445 … Protect Your Ministry …
  • … Help defend your right to live and speak freely At Alliance Defending … unique network of more than 4,800 attorneys is defending your most cherished freedoms in courtrooms and legislatures across the nation and the …
  • Church Alliance Legal help with a Gospel Mission Is youryour church’s sincerely held religious beliefs? Would your church be prepared to protect itself in a …
  • … You can help defend freedom with your donor-advised fund Your generous financial support makes … for the Gospel by giving through your donor-advised fund. What is a donor-advised fund? A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a … of endowment funds and related activities. Please be sure to select your desired ministry when making your DAF …
  • … Protecting Your Pregnancy Center  Download your FREE copy of our legal guide In partnership with   CareNet     Heartbeat International     …
  • … Invite an ADF Speaker to Your Event Thank you for your interest in obtaining a speaker … respond to you as soon as possible. Before you proceed, be advised: In most cases, Alliance Defending Freedom … gathering date. ADF speakers do not accept honorariums. If desired, you can make a donation directly to ADF to …
  • … passed the Equality Act, and President Biden promised he would sign it into law if it passes the Senate. The proposal … create victims. They create chaos. The Equality Act would be a bad law. And it could have a destructive impact to your life in many different ways. Title IX The Equality Act …
  • … to Ensure Equal Treatment   Can a Court Reject You for Your Religious Beliefs?   How This Commercial Fishing Case … That’s Why Dave is Suing the School that Fired Him.   Would You Trade Your Freedom for a Degree? Nolan and Nathan … in First Amendment Freedoms   Fired for His Personal Blog, Dr. Fox won’t be Bullied into Silence   Why the …