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Showing 2190 results for "adf center academic freedom launches new online resource fight free speech public"
  • … Legal Manuals and Resources Quick Links Parents Students ADF Supreme Court Wins Conversation Guides Ministry Workplace … protects your right to do so. Alliance Defending Freedom created this free legal guide to help you understand … and girls. Download Ministry Protecting Your Pregnancy Center For Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers: It's becoming harder …
  • … and professors are speaking out. And Alliance Defending Freedom is proud to represent several of these educators as … First Amendment of the Constitution. So, with the help of ADF attorneys, Tanner filed a lawsuit against the school … with this view and, instead of engaging him in an academic debate, they called for the university to take …
  • … Protecting Your Pregnancy Center  Download your FREE copy of our legal guide In partnership with   CareNet   … of Family and Life Advocates   … Protecting Your Pregnancy Center  … 3479 … 3480 … Pregnancy Center
  • … without fear of government punishment or retaliation. ADF believes that people should be free to express their … Paul instructs us in Ephesians 4:15. We created the Center for Academic Freedom to ensure free speech is protected on …
  • Freedom Matters     Over 80 Million Video Views WATCH Latest … Knocks on the Classroom Door   How Free Speech Took Center Stage at a School Talent Show   America’s Freedom … Take Action Show Your Support Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is committed to protecting religious freedom, free
  • … Stand for Freedom—Stand Against Indoctrination Give now to help stop … high schools, and on college campuses are increasing. A New Threat to Freedom – Critical Race Theory Indoctrination … DOUBLE Your Gift With the help of friends like you, ADF will challenge this indoctrination in public schools. And …
  • … Stand for Freedom Donate Now Quick Links: Meet the clients | Send … and help provide a winning defense for religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and … same: the Biden administration is bound by the law, and ADF will stand against any attempts to violate our …
  • … Alliance Defending Freedom ADF advances the God-given right to live and speak … law firms committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the …
  • … Religious Freedom The Founding Fathers recognized that all people have … as a creature made in God’s image, endowed with reason, free will, and an eternal soul. The Founders understood that … You're free to believe, but are you free to act? Public Square You don't need to keep your faith from public
  • … Stand for religious freedom Act now to protect religious freedom. Each year, ADF receives an average of 3,000 requests for legal help. … Rise to the challenge to defend religious freedom! With new threats to your freedoms emerging almost every day, we …