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Showing 420 results for "tbt 3 universities now open speech"
  • … Educators Standing for Free Speech in Schools In the past year, we’ve seen a wave of … STAND FOR FREE SPEECH Free speech matters Schools and universities are supposed to be places where students learn. … Debit Card Card Number * Expiration * Expiration Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Expiration Year CVV * Check / Bank …
  • … Free Speech ISSUES Free Speech A marketplace of diverse ideas is … corporate boardroom and online. We hold public schools and universities accountable. Students and educators at public … centers, and others. Resources The First Amendment: 3 Myths and 3 Facts Students Rights Handbook Viewpoint …
  • … Stand for Freedom—Stand Against Indoctrination Give now to help stop indoctrination in Critical Race Theory and … is rooted in Marxist thought. It took hold in colleges and universities decades ago, but today it’s taking a foothold … Debit Card Card Number * Expiration * Expiration Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Expiration Year CVV * Check / Bank …
  • … women’s sports, and threatens the privacy, safety and free speech of teachers and students. Cases Carroll Independent … to protect women’s privacy and safety, stand up for free speech, and secure fairness for women’s sports. State of … to impose widespread harms on young people and deny free speech on campus. Other Title IX Cases Even prior to the …
  • … Casinos Are Open, But Churches Are Closed? During the COVID-19 pandemic, … June 8, 2020 Revised December 21, 2023 “Las Vegas. Now Open!” So declared an ad  announcing the reopening of casinos …
  • … Your Freedoms   Are Student Teachers from Christian Universities Still Allowed in Public Schools?   Standing Up … Pastor Responded When the City Subpoenaed His Sermons   Open Hostility Against People of Faith   Standing for the … Women’s Sports?   She was Rescued from Human Trafficking, Now Jean Marie is Standing for Life Every Day   When the FDA …
  • Speech Is Not Violence and Violence Is Not Speech Words may … campuses. Ironically, the opposite is happening today. Now, many administrators and college students are arguing to … of those in power and what they deem “offensive.” 3. Most speech that directly harms others is already illegal …
  • … How Preferred Pronouns Threaten Free Speech ‘Preferred pronouns’ may sound harmless, but they can … understood gender to be binary (male or female). But now, an ever-growing list of pronouns have become expressions … government pronoun policies. Public school districts and universities are adopting policies requiring staff to use …
  • … SCOTUS Now Has a Chance to Protect Women’s Sports The Supreme Court … women’s sports, and Alliance Defending Freedom is now asking the U.S. Supreme Court to affirm that female … Defending Freedom. View Profile … … 8722 … 7658 … SCOTUS Now Has a Chance to Protect Women’s Sports … 20260 … Lainey …
  • … New York Is Violating Photographer’s Free Speech Photographer Emilee Carpenter wants to create art … laws to target constitutionally protected speech. Attorneys for Alliance Defending Freedom are … Emilee served everyone, that Emilee’s photographs are speech, and that New York’s laws compelled Emilee to promote …