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Showing 362 results for "when handful teenagers prayed movement was born"
  • … We live in strange times, when basic truths are denied, and God-given freedoms are … you can make a lasting impact for freedom-and for life when you give. Your gift can be combined with a $500,000 …
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Activist officials are seeking to silence and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. It's only through the generosity of friends like you that we can defend people of faith in courtrooms around the world. Now as much as ever, we need your help to stand with them. Will you help defend the faithful and advance the right to live and speak the truth by making a gift right now? Your doubled gift will make an immediate impact and help us walk boldly into the wind to defend our ...
  • … Massachusetts, is all too familiar with this censorship. When Liam wore a T-shirt to school that said, “There are only … to school that read “There are censored genders.” Liam was peacefully protesting the fact that the school had tried … for simply expressing his deeply held beliefs. But Liam was told he was not allowed to communicate this message at …
  • … today will help ADF protect your right to live your faith when it is under attack—from government overreach to … of funds. The moment is critical, and the need is great. When you give today, your support can make twice the impact …
  • … girls from harm. That’s what you’re helping make possible when you give. And when you give today, your generosity will be added to help …
  • … cryogenically frozen? What legal recourse do parents have when their stored embryos are negligently destroyed? Such … parents through IVF, sued an IVF clinic because the clinic was left unlocked and vulnerable to an intruder, tragically … to recover punitive damages for their child’s death when it is caused by “the wrongful act, omission, or …
  • When Hamouda became a Christian, he faced immense opposition. His wife, Nada, was still Muslim at the time, and her family was shocked. When Hamouda converted to Christianity, Nada’s family applied …
  • The Biden administration is trying to unlawfully rewrite the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and override Idaho’s pro-life law. This would FORCE Idaho emergency room doctors to violate the state’s pro-life law and take innocent unborn life. The Biden administration has sued Idaho to block the state’s law that protects the lives of women and their unborn children from abortion, unless necessary to save the life of the mother. The State of Idaho is standing for life and we’d like to ask you to stand up for life as well. Will you step up right now with a gift and ...
  • … out. Just ask Jean Marie Davis. For 20 years, Jean Marie was trafficked across 33 states. She remembers witnessing a … recalls. Eventually, Jean Marie discovered that she too was pregnant. She decided to flee from her traffickers, and … Jean Marie chose life for her baby boy. After her son was born, the pregnancy center continued to help her, offering …
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Activist officials are seeking to silence and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and across the globe. It's only through the generosity of friends like you that we can defend people of faith in courtrooms around the world. Every year, Alliance Defending Freedom receives thousands of requests for legal assistance—and that represents just a fraction of people whose rights are threatened by the government. Now as much as ever, we need your help to stand with them. Will you help defend the faithful ...