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  • The Alliance Defending Freedom Grants and Funding program can provide up to a four to one return on your gift, empowering over 4700 network attorneys across the globe to serve those being punished for their faith.
  • Katie Vizzerra serves as legal counsel of Blackstone Alumni Relations at Alliance Defending Freedom overseeing alumni of the Blackstone Legal Fellowship.
  • Rebecca Eggleston serves as Executive Vice President at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Ryan Bangert serves as Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives & Special Counsel to the President at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Matt Bowman serves as senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, where he focuses on the impact of administrative law on religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and family.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Greg Chafuen regarding the Arkansas House’s passage Thursday of the Religion Is Essential Act, a bill sponsored by Rep. Mary Bentley that ensures churches and other religious organizations are allowed to remain open during a state of emergency on the same terms as businesses and other secular services: “Houses of worship and religious organizations provide soul-sustaining operations that are essential to our society and protected by the First Amendment. While public officials have the authority and responsibility ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding President Joe Biden’s executive order issued Thursday that revokes the Mexico City Policy, which banned the use of federal funds for foreign organizations that provide or promote abortions, and calls for a review of Title X restrictions, which prevent organizations from performing or referring for abortions in family planning programs funded by federal tax dollars. “President Biden’s latest threat to freedom forces Americans to fund groups that perform or promote elective abortions ...
  • White House, Congress turn far left, threaten religious freedom, sanctity of life
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Paul Schmitt regarding an emergency injunction issued Friday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit that prohibits Vermont officials from discriminating against students who attend religious high schools in the state’s Town Tuition Program. The program provides students who live in towns without public high schools tuition funds to use at a private school of their choice, but it has barred students and their families from using their benefit at religious private schools: “People of faith deserve their ...