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Showing 88 results for "media archive alliance alerts un continues topush for abortion as a"
  • … Church Alliance Legal help with a Gospel Mission Is your church … an affordable religious liberty legal membership program for churches. We help prepare your church and protect your … religious liberty related legal questions that can come up as you minister. If necessary and appropriate, we’ll even …
  • … Ministry Alliance Is your ministry ready for a changing culture? Do you know how your ministry’s … when confronting religious liberty legal issues and even media inquiries. Representation & Advocacy If the religious …
  • … News & Media Are you a member of the media? ADF has a website designated just for you! Access all of the media resources we have available …
  • Alliance Programs Joining together for faith and freedom As an alliance building legal organization, ADF is dedicated …
  • … Contact ADF Media Relations We will receive inquiries sent through this page within 30 minutes. If your need requires a more urgent response, please e-mail us directly at …  or call (480) 444-0020. Mailing Address Alliance Defending Freedom 15100 N. 90th Street Scottsdale, …
  • … U.S. Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine info Case Update June 13, 2024 The … address the FDA’s reckless removal of safety standards for abortion drugs. We will be evaluating our options in the …
  • Alliance Defending Freedom ADF advances the God-given right to live and speak the Truth. We contend for the Truth in law, policy, and the public square, and … religious freedom. ADF International is accredited by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the European …
  • Alliance Defending Freedom Impact Report Join the Alliance … misuse the law to coerce or silence speech. We’re Standing for You – Join Us!   Your freedom of speech is under threat, … Wade decision that wrongly found a constitutional right to abortion. Find out more here. Review our 15 SCOTUS victories …
  • … When you partner with us, you join an alliance Thank you for helping make victory possible! Last year, we received … School District told Tammy they would treat her daughter as a boy—no matter Tammy’s wishes. Tammy wouldn’t stand for
  • Abortion in America: Past, Present, & Future SIGN UP The U.S. … . And now everyone is talking about the future of abortion in America. But how did we get to this point? If you want to know more, sign up today for our comprehensive four email series: Abortion in America: …