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Showing 142 results for "removing margaret sangers name ny planned parenthood doesnt erase its eugenic practices"
  • … Court ruling that left millions of innocent lives dead in its wake. Dobbs. v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization , …
  • The God-given right to free speech protects the freedom to pursue what is true and to share your beliefs with others. And it’s a right that only exists on paper unless we have the true freedom to live it out. But across the country, elites in government, the media, and big tech are compelling people to speak messages that violate their fundamental convictions—or be silent. These powerful elites want to force us to accept—and repeat—the lies that men can become women, that unborn lives don’t matter, and that faith should be kept private. We know the truth, and it’s time to speak up. Alliance ...
  • People should be free to express their beliefs without the threat of government punishment. But right now, New York threatens to misuse the law to punish Emilee for her views on marriage unless we stand up and win in court. That’s why Emilee Carpenter needs your support as Alliance Defending Freedom stands with Emilee for her right to speak freely. A win for Emilee is a win for free speech. Our work to defend Americans like Emilee relies on the support of people like you. Alliance Defending Freedom needs more support to take on dangerous laws like these that impose serious penalties on ...
  • … The state discriminated against the group because of its Christian beliefs. The state claims the ministry is …
  • Who is Liam? Liam is a 12-year-old student at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts. He was punished by the school for wearing a t-shirt that says, “There are only two genders.” Why what happened to Liam matters Students don’t forfeit their free speech when they walk into school. It’s not just about a shirt—it’s about government officials telling a middle-schooler that he can’t say something that’s important to him, just because they disapprove of what he said. That’s not freedom. If the government can censor Liam, it can censor any student. The School’s Actions are Illegal All ...
  • The Biden administration is pressuring Big Tech to filter the information Americans can receive on social media, which manipulates, how Americans think. The impact is far-reaching—beliefs are being silenced on social media. Yet the administration denies any wrongdoing. In fact, it’s appealing a federal court ruling that deemed the administration’s behavior “arguably … the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” But what do YOU believe?
  • … School District board voted unanimously to sever its 11-year partnership with Arizona Christian University …
  • Government officials—including those in the Biden administration—are getting bolder. Together with the Far-Left, they’re trying to create a radically different America. We’re seeing unprecedented levels of government overreach across the nation, and we must fight it. But to do that, we need your help. Most people would be powerless to defend themselves against their own government. But praise God that because of you, your fellow Americans have hope. They have allies who will stand with them and fight for them. Our work relies on the support of Americans like you. What can you give today? Thank ...
  • Thank you so much for your partnership! It’s an honor and privilege to steward the gifts you’ve given to help ensure that every person has the God-given right to live and speak the truth. Our CEO, President, and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner wants to thank you for all that you’re helping make possible and let you know why she’s hopeful in this moment. In this video, you’ll learn how your generosity is helping to resist de-banking, promote laws that advance truth and freedom, oppose the Biden administration’s attempt to rewrite Title IX, and more. Thank you for standing for freedom! See Your ...
  • Far-left activists and some government officials want to restrict your freedoms. But you can defend your religious freedom today!