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Showing 182 results for "detailspages faith justice details supreme court further blurs legal definition of marriage"
  • … to protect their basic right to direct the upbringing of their children. Parents don’t relinquish that right when … door. Protect the right to speak freely —without fear of government punishment or pressure. The First Amendment … it offensive. Defend women and young girls from the harms of gender ideology . The Biden administration in particular …
  • … Could a church or a ministry near you be in danger of losing access to its financial accounts? For this … happened so abruptly. Without warning or explanation, Bank of America sent a letter to Indigenous Advance Ministries to … populations in Uganda. The bank also targeted Servants of Christ church, which partners with the ministry. Bank of
  • … gender ideology, which puts subjective identity ahead of biological reality. Men and women are made distinct, in the image of God, and that design cannot be changed or chosen. Yet the … to the Title IX rules. But it’s only through the support of people like you that we can hold the administration …
  • … about the nausea, the vomiting, the tremors, or the amount of bleeding she would experience. No one warned her about how the loss of her baby would affect her. Women are suffering horrific … Elizabeth’s because it seems to be prioritizing the agenda of the abortion lobby over the health and well-being of women …
  • … rights. And we also know that, even after the fall of Roe v. Wade , attacks on life—and on the laws that protect … has the necessary financial resources to stop the actions of overreaching government officials — including the Biden … all Americans. The time is now. Please maximize the impact of the $500,000 challenge grant and give your best gift for …
  • … has the necessary financial resources to stop the actions of overreaching government officials — including the Biden … all Americans. The time is now. Please maximize the impact of the $500,000 challenge grant and give your best gift for …
  • … seeks to distort the clear truth and is undermining one of the most foundational realities of what it means to be human: the fact that we are each … plans that mislead and deceive parents about the care of their children. And policies that FORCE teachers to lie to …
  • … that lead to gender confusion and skyrocketing rates of depression and suicide—it’s up to us to intervene. You know the truth. Will you pledge to be a beacon of love and truth to the next generation by becoming a Generational Guardian today? The future of our nation depends on it. “YES! I will be there for my …
  • … or otherwise express the messages you want, without fear of government punishment. That’s not just the right of those who agree with the government—it’s the right of EVERY American. Now is the time to step up and join those …
  • … the statement below and join with more than 9,400 friends of freedom nationwide to stand for Free Speech. I stand against the efforts of government officials to restrict the expression of my beliefs. I stand against the mobs who seek to …