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Showing 216 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2016 04 27 my college claims to be a place where everyone thrives then it silenced me"
  • … As a mother of five, Jessica knows what it’s like to provide ato accept their views on marriage and sexuality or be left out of foster care services. What’s left are children …
  • … dangerous lies about the family, life, and what it means to be human—and it’s snowballing quickly.    Alliance Defending … the Supreme Court since 2011. We never charge our clients a dime to defend them in court.  But that’s only possible …
  • … Who is Liam? Then a 12-year-old student at Nichols Middle School in … that says, “There are only two genders.” Why what happened to Liam matters Students don’t forfeit their free speech when … to fear being punished by school officials. They can’t be forced out of the schoolhouse for exercising their rights. …
  • It takes much courage to stand up to lies when it seems that so many in government, … know that the truth— God’s truth—is precious and cannot be compromised. They also know they aren’t alone because they … defend freedom for every American in court without paying a dime in expensive legal fees. Take Jessica Bates, a mom of …
  • … The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech for all … speech Governments can silence speech determined to be “dangerous” The First Amendment protects unpopular speech … church, stand up for your rights in the workplace or as a student, and more. SEE ADF RESOURCES … Is Free Speech Ever …
  • … Grants and Funding program. In the months ahead, we expect to continue to be flooded with grant requests! Your tax-deductible gift … We never want to turn down an important grant because of a lack of funds. Every $1 you give today can have up to four …
  • it’s becoming more difficult—and dangerous—for Christians to live out their faith. As the challenges mount, we know we … battles on our own. Alliance Defending Freedom relies on a broad network of over [adf:network_attorney_count] … persecuted. In the months ahead, we expect to continue to be flooded with grant requests—from across the nation and the …
  • … When will it stop? At Alliance Defending Freedom, we’re seeing governments try to sideline Christian children’s homes, adoption centers, and … mission. In some cases, standing for the Gospel results in a ministry facing a barrage of unlawful and discriminatory …
  • … under attack in America. Students from elementary school to graduate school are silenced for expressing their beliefs. … Free Speech” pledge today! We need your voice to help send a message that restoring a culture that encourages and … questions (and more): Can the government silence speech it finds “offensive”? Is “dangerous” speech something the …
  • … your freedoms in jeopardy. The administration is: Trying to force colleges and universities to open girls’ dorm rooms and locker rooms to males. … like you to help defend freedom in America. Will you give a tax-deductible gift today to help ensure that freedom has a