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Your Help Is Needed on the Frontline

It takes much courage to stand up to lies when it seems that so many in government, education, and the wider culture want to silence the truth.

But our clients know that the truth—God’s truth—is precious and cannot be compromised. They also know they aren’t alone because they also have the encouragement and support of our faithful monthly partners.

Through the generosity of Ministry Friends like you, our clients can help defend freedom for every American in court without paying a dime in expensive legal fees.

Take Jessica Bates, a mom of five in Oregon. With the help of faithful monthly partners, she’s courageously challenging the state for denying her application to adopt because of her Christian beliefs about sexuality and gender.

Or take Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips. He’s been in court for over ten years, defending his freedom to express what he believes. He couldn’t have faced the repeated opposition to his beliefs without the help of our faithful Ministry Friends.

We’re up against a lot. But our hope is in the Lord. When we trust in Him and link arms together to courageously speak God’s truth to the world’s lies, the door for the spread of the Gospel can be kept open.

Join together with us in hope by linking arms with our courageous clients and joining the frontline of monthly partners. We refuse to stay silent when the truth is on the line, and we need you on the frontline with us. When you join today and commit to giving $19 a month or more, you’ll join a special community of like-minded supporters of freedom.

Your gift today will be doubled—dollar for dollar—by a $500,000 matching grant, while funds last!