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  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Activist officials are seeking to silence and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. It's only through the generosity of friends like you that we can defend people of faith in courtrooms around the world. Now as much as ever, we need your help to stand with them. Will you help defend the faithful and advance the right to live and speak the truth by making a gift right now? Your doubled gift will make an immediate impact and help us walk boldly into the wind to defend our ...
  • Donate now Nearly 50 years after Roe v. Wade, we face a historic opportunity: a chance to reverse this U.S. Supreme Court ruling that left millions of innocent lives dead in its wake. Dobbs. v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which the Supreme Court heard on December 1, could overturn Roe and return the issue of abortion back to the states. Roe is now on the ropes. Supporters of the abortion agenda know it. With your help, Alliance Defending Freedom is funding and engaging in efforts to encourage the Supreme Court to overturn Roe and protect life. But this defense of life is only possible ...
  • Do you know how to pray for freedom? Get our free Foundations of Freedom 2023 wall calendar today and pray for critical ADF cases throughout the year!
  • The Constitution is the most important document in American civil life—the “supreme Law of the Land.” It shapes government structures, sets clear and strict limits on the power of our governments, and most importantly, enshrines many of our God-given rights.
  • We want you to be ready to have impactful conversations with friends and family—ready to dispel common myths and help defend the rights of the unborn!