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Showing 283 results for "defund planned parenthood"
  • Conversations with friends and family about abortion can be heated and emotional. The historic outcome of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization provides a unique opportunity to dispel common myths about abortion while compassionately defending unborn lives. Use Alliance Defending Freedom’s free guide to help you navigate tough conversations involving abortion with boldness, truth, and grace. GET MY GUIDE Pro-Life versus Pro-Choice We hope you found our guide helpful. To learn more about the differences between pro-life and pro-choice, read our article, “ What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life ...
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is committed to protecting and defending our God-given rights in courtrooms and legislatures across America. And we care about your opinion. Please tell us:
  • Americans’ right to live and speak the truth is facing intensifying threats. There are children today who are being targeted and punished for their faith in public schools across America. Children are also being pressured into experimental “gender transition” procedures, are being indoctrinated into radical gender and race-based ideologies, and are being taught to reject the values they are raised with at home. Artists are being threatened with fines, damages, threats to their livelihood, and even jail time for declining to promote messages that violate their deepest beliefs. These are only a ...
  • Americans’ right to live and speak the truth is facing intensifying threats. There are children today who are being targeted and punished for their faith in public schools across America. Children are also being pressured into experimental “gender transition” procedures, are being indoctrinated into radical gender and race-based ideologies, and are being taught to reject the values they are raised with at home. Artists are being threatened with fines, damages, threats to their livelihood, and even jail time for declining to promote messages that violate their deepest beliefs. These are only a ...
  • Help fuel our ability to defend your religious freedom rights DONATE NOW The College of the Ozarks is a religious school in Missouri that aims to provide a Christian education to all its students. The school wants to develop citizens of Christ-like character who are well-educated, hard-working, and patriotic. But a Biden administration policy would FORCE religious schools like College of the Ozarks to open their dormitories—including shared shower spaces—to members of the opposite sex, even if it violates their beliefs. The college is taking a stand to say: The government doesn’t belong in our ...
  • College of the Ozarks is facing anti-religious hostility from the Biden administration, simply for standing firm on their beliefs concerning marriage and sexuality.
  • When will it end? After ten years, Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips is still fighting for his right to speak freely. Even though the State of Colorado abandoned its prosecution of the cake artist, a local attorney is now going after Jack in civil court. The Colorado Court of Appeals just affirmed a trial court decision punishing Jack for not designing a custom cake celebrating a gender transition that an activist attorney requested. Alliance Defending Freedom is appealing that decision. What’s happened to Jack is a blatant of example of activists targeting, harassing, and punishing those who ...
  • Government officials—including those in the Biden administration—are getting bolder. Together with the Far-Left, they’re trying to create a radically different America. We’re seeing unprecedented levels of government overreach across the nation, and we must fight it. But to do that, we need your help. Most people would be powerless to defend themselves against their own government. But praise God that because of you, your fellow Americans have hope. They have allies who will stand with them and fight for them. Our work relies on the support of Americans like you. What can you give today? Thank ...
  • It’s costly to tell the truth today. It can cost you your reputation, your livelihood, and even your friends and family. But far greater is the cost of not standing up to these lies—especially in America’s schools. When the government shuts down speech, it teaches the next generation what is and isn’t acceptable to say. When the government hides critical information from parents, it drives a wedge between parents and their children—and leaves kids vulnerable to damaging lies. When the government bows to the idea that speech and ideas can be violence, it teaches our future leaders to choose ...
  • The threats to religious freedom are growing fast. But Alliance Defending Freedom has been defending religious freedom for over document.write(new Date().getFullYear() - 1994); years, and with 15 victories at the Supreme Court just since 2011, we’re working to secure freedom’s future for all Americans—the freedom of religion and free speech not just for ourselves, but for future generations as well. That’s because the right to live out your faith doesn’t end at your doorstep, even as some government officials and activists are trying to force you to keep it at home. As one supporter ...