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Showing 2245 results for "adf attorney available media after hearings phoenix church bell lawsuits"
  • … deserves the spotlight—and your support. Behind every ADF win advancing freedom—from the U.S. Supreme Court to … a team of paralegals who are critical to assisting ADF attorneys and clients. ADF paralegals help present complex cases—spanning years and …
  • … Defending Freedom relies on a broad network of over [adf:network_attorney_count] attorneys who have committed to defending … turn down a case because of a lack of funds. For every $1 ADF network attorneys around the world receive in grants, …
  • … to live and speak the truth. Will you give today? ADF is the world’s largest legal ministry committed to … and the sanctity of human life—and we’ve won nearly [adf:win_rate]% of our cases, including [adf:scotus_wins_count] victories at the U.S. Supreme Court …
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Zack Pruitt regarding Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s signing Tuesday of the Forming Open and Robust University Minds (FORUM) Act, a bill designed to ensure that public colleges and universities can’t ban students from engaging in expressive activity in the open, outdoor areas of campus: “Public colleges and universities are meant to be free and open to the exchange of ideas—a place where our future teachers, lawyers, doctors, judges, community leaders, and voters can exercise their constitutionally protected freedom ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Zack Pruitt regarding Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb’s signing Tuesday of HB 1190, a bill designed to ensure that public colleges and universities may not ban students from engaging in expressive activity in the open, outdoor areas of campus, and that student organizations may operate on campus according to their sincerely held beliefs: “Public colleges and universities are meant to be free and open for the exchange of ideas—a place where our future teachers, lawyers, doctors, judges, community leaders, and voters ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding the failure Monday of the deceptively named “Women’s Health Protection Act” to pass the U.S. Senate. The bill would have radically expanded abortion access by invalidating almost every state law regulating abortion, thereby reducing health protections for women: “Despite contending to be about women’s health, the so-called ‘Women’s Health Protection Act’ would have endangered women and unborn babies by prohibiting most—if not all—of the reasonable state regulations on abortion currently in ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Zack Pruitt regarding Missouri Gov. Mike Parson’s signing Friday of HB 2400, a bill that includes protections for the private information of individuals who support charities and other nonprofit organizations of their choice: “Every American should be free to peacefully support causes they believe in without fear of harassment or intimidation. HB 2400 includes an important step in ensuring privacy protections for all Missourians, consistent with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Thomas More Law Center v ...
  • … their level. And she absolutely loves what she does. But after the Harrisonburg City Public School Board instituted a …
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Advocacy Strategy Emilie Kao regarding Gov. Kevin Stitt’s signing Wednesday of SB 2, a bill that protects opportunities for women and girls in athletics by ensuring they are not forced to compete against men playing on women’s sports teams: “When the law ignores biological reality, female athletes lose medals, podium spots, public recognition, and opportunities to compete. We have seen increasing examples across the country of males dominating girls’ athletic competitions when competing as ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding President Biden’s proposed FY23 budget that eliminates the usual Hyde Amendment and other similar provisions that protect against taxpayer funding of abortion: “Government-compelled participation in abortion has no place in our country. The Hyde Amendment has been included in the budget every year since it first went into effect in 1976—including in the omnibus spending bill the president signed just two weeks ago. The majority of Americans oppose having their tax dollars pay for abortions ...