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  • Looking to make a difference at a Christian non-profit? Explore career opportunities at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom has played various roles in over 74 U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Launched in 1994, ADF continues today to fight for your freedoms.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom maintains financial accountability with the FASB, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), and the IRS.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom advances the Gospel by protecting religious freedom, the sanctity of life, free speech, and marriage and the family.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Natalie Thompson regarding the Texas Supreme Court’s decision Friday in State of Texas v. Loe to uphold the state’s law that protects children from unproven drug treatments that risk permanent harm: “Texas rightly enacted the Minors Protection Act to protect the health and welfare of all children—supporting their natural biological development and ensuring that children experiencing gender dysphoria have a chance for comprehensive healing and compassionate mental health support. Respected authorities continue to ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Chris Schandevel regarding the Iowa Supreme Court’s decision Friday in Planned Parenthood of the Heartland v. Reynolds to reverse a lower court’s temporary injunction on Iowa’s fetal heartbeat law and allow it to take effect: “States have the strongest possible interest in protecting the most fundamental of our human rights: the right to life. So we’re thrilled to join the people of Iowa in celebrating today’s decision by Iowa’s highest court. Iowans have been eager to declare that life is a human right, which ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court Friday in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, in which the court overturned Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council and ruled that federal agency officials must be held accountable when they exceed their authority: “The U.S. Supreme Court has rightly held that unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats can’t weaponize federal laws to violate Americans’ most fundamental rights. Federal agency officials frequently disrespect Americans’ most ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Thursday in State of Idaho v. United States of America to decline to rule on the merits of the case, but instead send the case back to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit for further consideration: “The Supreme Court sent the case back to the 9th Circuit today after my office won significant concessions from the United States that Justice Barrett described as ‘important’ and ‘critical.’ Today, the court said that Idaho will be able to enforce its law to save lives ...
  • The Blackstone Legal Fellowship gives the next generation of Christian leaders the education and tools they need to advance your right to live and speak the truth—whether it be in the courtroom, in the halls of government, or in other leadership positions. But training these impressive young people to stand up and win for your freedom—and helping give them a lifelong community they can turn to—is only possible with God’s blessing (John 15:5) and your faithful support. Thanks to a matching grant provided by a generous Ministry Friend, your gift to help Blackstone impact the future of our legal ...