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Showing 248 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2017 10 18 three recent attacks on free speech adf countered"
  • … mothers. Alliance Defending Freedom has created a short, free guide to equip you to be a voice for the voiceless in … States was one of only six countries that allowed abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy? The other … conversations about abortion and human dignity. … GET YOUR FREE PRO-LIFE GUIDE … Critical Conversations - Life …
  • … as much as ever. That’s why we need you to stand with us on the Frontline for Freedom and help defend our God-given … will help Alliance Defending Freedom continue to take on cases that protect and advance our right to speak and live … … Your Freedom is Under Threat. Give Today! … Stand with ADF
  • … shapes government structures, sets clear and strict limits on the power of our governments, and most importantly, … more than one generation from extinction.” He was calling on Americans to actively engage with their government, and … what Alliance Defending Freedom has created a short, free, accessible guide:  Our Constitution: 3 Myths & 3 Facts …
  • … Children belong to their parents—not the state It took three weeks for Dirk and Petra to get their children back. … option. So Germany continues to maintain prohibitions on families—like the Wunderlichs—who desire to homeschool … students of faith—for exercising their freedom of speech. It’s no wonder the number of families choosing to …
  • … though, altered that plan—as well as her perspective on her responsibility to stand for her faith. In her words: … faith. The first involved National Honor Society. Early on, I had doubts about joining NHS. It was a great honor to … experience. The summer before my senior year, I saw on an NHS report that I wasn’t getting credit for my work at …
  • … groups and excluded them from the benefit. “There are over 10,000 applications that go in every single year for … in a lawsuit challenging the policy. Donate Now Impact on the Bronx community Bronx Household of Faith seeks to live … services are tangible, transformative, and completely free, improving the lives of so many in need. “If the New …
  • … up in support of their faith and their conservative views on the campus of Georgia Tech. Case: Sklar v. Clough Image … united in their vocal opposition to the school's ironclad speech codes, which severely curtailed any student … arbitrarily deemed "intolerant." The codes banned free exchange of ideas except in very limited areas of …
  • … freedoms. Why? Because government officials are silencing speech that they disagree with and punishing Americans for … door? The K-12 Educators’ Guide helps you champion free speech in the classroom. In this guide to the First … Can I lead an after-school Bible study? Download our free speech guide to be prepared to boldly defend your First …
  • … school. Are they being exposed to inappropriate materials on sexuality and gender? Do parents have the option to opt … That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom has created a short, free guide to equip parents with practical steps they can … rights and the freedoms of the next generation. … Get your free gender ideology guide for parents! … 3 Ways for Parents …
  • … would have to step up in a big way to counter this attack on truth and women’s rights. That’s why we’ve been providing … those in the Biden administration—are doubling down on promoting gender ideology and the harmful lie that people … of women and girls—and freedom for all? … Stand With ADF to Protect Women’s Rights in Statehouses Across the …