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Showing 193 results for "detailspages press release details adf founder alan sears named 2017 wilberforce award recipient"
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is fighting for Dr. Fox and others like him in the courtroom, but we cannot do it without your support today.
  • Free speech is under attack in America. Students from elementary school to graduate school are silenced for expressing their beliefs. Christian counselors are told what they can and can’t discuss with their clients. Governments are using their power to censor views they disagree with. Those are not the values our country was founded upon. Free speech is only “free” if we can say what we believe—without fear of government punishment. Sign the national “I Support Free Speech” pledge today! We need your voice to help send a message that restoring a culture that encourages and fosters free speech ...
  • Tens of thousands of children throughout the country need loving and stable families. But the United States is currently facing a shortage of loving foster care and adoptive homes, and the nation is facing a crisis. In Oregon, several hundred children are up for adoption and desperately need someone to care for them, and yet the state is putting their needs second to politics. For Oregon, a loving and stable home isn’t enough. They’re requiring that prospective adoptive parents agree with the state’s views on radical gender ideology. They’re turning down anyone who won’t lie to a child about ...
  • We urgently need your support. Our fiscal year ends on June 30 th and we are falling behind on securing the $4.1 million in funding that we need to raise to help enable us to continue standing against censorship, the lies of gender ideology, and government attempts to override the rights of parents. From defending free speech and religious freedom, to challenging the Biden administration’s unlawful and devastating rule changes to Title IX that redefine “sex” to include gender identity, there is much work to be done. As we’re a non-profit organization, our work is wholly dependent on support ...
  • Parents have the responsibility to direct their children’s upbringing. But today, tragically, some government officials are intentionally undercutting the important role of mothers and fathers in their children’s lives. And in one of the most egregious examples of this, there are school districts across the country that advance the idea that gender is socially constructed and that it can be chosen and changed. This flatly contradicts the Bible’s teaching and obvious biological truth. This lie is causing real-world harm, as school districts enable and sometimes coerce teachers and school ...
  • The First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom protects the right of Yakima Union Gospel Mission and other faith-based ministries to hire those who share and live out their beliefs. Yet instead of praising the Mission for the strides it has made in caring for the homeless, government officials are hitting the ministry with threats of unconstitutional penalties. Alliance Defending Freedom is standing beside the Mission in defense of religious liberty. We defend our clients all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. Cases like that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars ...
  • $1 MILLION CHALLENGE GRANT OPPORTUNITY As a concerned citizen who cares about keeping the door open for the Gospel and securing freedom’s future, we bet you feel like you sometimes have to stay quiet about your beliefs ... to self-censor. In this cultural moment, your God-given rights are facing mounting threats from government officials and activists. Religious freedom is being restricted. Free speech is being curtailed. The rights of parents are being ignored. And biological reality—that we are created male or female—is being denied by officials as high as the Biden administration itself ...
  • $1 MILLION CHALLENGE GRANT OPPORTUNITY As a concerned citizen who cares about keeping the door open for the Gospel and securing freedom’s future, we bet you feel like you sometimes have to stay quiet about your beliefs ... to self-censor. In this cultural moment, your God-given rights are facing mounting threats from government officials and activists. Religious freedom is being restricted. Free speech is being curtailed. The rights of parents are being ignored. And biological reality—that we are created male or female—is being denied by officials as high as the Biden administration itself ...
  • Help ensure your constitutional rights always have a strong legal defense.
  • Imagine feeling a conviction to adopt and care for other children—to love those who lack a loving home. And now imagine that your state is excluding you from adoption because you won’t contradict your beliefs— you won’t encourage a child to identify as the opposite sex or take them to receive cross-sex hormone shots intended to block their natural biological development. This is exactly the situation Jessica Bates faces in Oregon. Oregon officials are preventing Jessica and others like her from adopting a child if they believe sex is unchangeable—whether based on Scripture or biology. It’s a ...