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Give by June 30 to Help Defend Your First Amendment Freedoms & God-Given Rights


As a concerned citizen who cares about keeping the door open for the Gospel and securing freedom’s future, we bet you feel like you sometimes have to stay quiet about your beliefs ... to self-censor.

In this cultural moment, your God-given rights are facing mounting threats from government officials and activists.

Religious freedom is being restricted. Free speech is being curtailed. The rights of parents are being ignored. And biological reality—that we are created male or female—is being denied by officials as high as the Biden administration itself.

Alliance Defending Freedom is in courts and legislatures nationwide advocating for you and your loved ones. But we need your help.

This is a moment of critical importance. There’s too much at stake to be silent. Will you help meet this moment and stand for freedom with a fiscal year-end gift?

We’re trusting God for $4.1 million by midnight on June 30 in order to fully fund the defense of your freedoms in the year ahead.

Your tax-deductible gift today—to be added to the $1 million challenge grant—will help us stand for freedom in this critical year. Your gift will be an example of your care and concern for the future of freedom.

Thank you in advance for your generosity! This work isn’t possible without the sacrificial help of people like you.