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  • Alliance Defending Freedom is dedicated to keeping the door open for the Gospel and preserving freedom for future generations. This work isn’t possible apart from prayer. Join ADF in prayer for freedom’s future by signing up to receive monthly prayer updates on legal cases and issues that will impact freedom for all. Sign up today and you will receive: Monthly prayer update in your inbox Praise reports on victories Ways to pray for key cases And, of course, you can update your email preferences at any time. Thank you for joining us in prayer!
  • Help ensure your constitutional rights always have a strong legal defense.
  • Thank you for signing the pledge!
  • Your gift can make up to FOUR times the impact through the ADF Grants & Funding program!
  • Our First Amendment right to free speech advances human flourishing, protects other civil liberties, and allows people with diverse views to live together well.
  • Far-left activists and some government officials want to restrict your freedoms. But you can defend your religious freedom today!
  • The pro-life movement has entered a new phase with the overturning of Roe v. Wade — but there is still much work to be done! Please affirm your continued support for the pro-life cause by signing the national Pro-Life Pledge below, and we will immediately give you access to your exclusive digital copy of ADF’s popular guide, Critical Conversations: LIFE - 3 Myths and 3 Facts! Thank you for standing for life! National Pro-Life Pledge: I, a pro-life American, am still committed to the effort to eradicate abortion and protect innocent pre-born life! With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we now ...
  • Travis Allen and his daughter, Blake, were suspended for speaking up.