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  • Thank you for signing the pledge!
  • Your gift can make up to FOUR times the impact through the ADF Grants & Funding program!
  • Our First Amendment right to free speech advances human flourishing, protects other civil liberties, and allows people with diverse views to live together well.
  • Far-left activists and some government officials want to restrict your freedoms. But you can defend your religious freedom today!
  • The pro-life movement has entered a new phase with the overturning of Roe v. Wade — but there is still much work to be done! Please affirm your continued support for the pro-life cause by signing the national Pro-Life Pledge below, and we will immediately give you access to your exclusive digital copy of ADF’s popular guide, Critical Conversations: LIFE - 3 Myths and 3 Facts! Thank you for standing for life! National Pro-Life Pledge: I, a pro-life American, am still committed to the effort to eradicate abortion and protect innocent pre-born life! With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we now ...
  • Travis Allen and his daughter, Blake, were suspended for speaking up.
  • We need your help! Speak up and support this first-of-its-kind lawsuit challenging the FDA’s reckless approval of harmful chemical abortion drugs. The Biden administration’s FDA even recently updated the rules to make the two chemical abortion drugs even more widely available. When you sign the pledge below and affirm your support to hold the FDA accountable, you’ll immediately get access to an exclusive copy of “Debunking the Abortion Lobby’s Top 5 Lies,” a helpful resource that you can share with friends and family. Thank you for standing with us to protect women and girls from the FDA’s ...
  • Help ADF defend them and others standing for free speech! Jacksonville, FL-based Queen of Angels Catholic Bookstore and owner Christie DeTrude simply strive to honor God and wish to promote their beliefs, including through the store’s website and YouTube channel. The bookstore joyfully serves all people, and sells its products to anyone, but Christie and her employees cannot speak a message they disagree with. An outrageous Jacksonville law is compelling businesses to speak inconsistent with their beliefs by promoting government-approved ideologies—or face devastating fines. Like far too many ...
  • The cruelty against Jack Phillips continues. Will you pray for him? You know his story: Jack is the cake artist from Colorado who serves all people but could not—and cannot—create a custom cake that expresses a message he does not believe. For Jack and so many other Christian artists, it’s never about the who. It’s always about what message they’re being asked to communicate. He cannot express every message asked of him. And because our nation’s Constitution protects free speech, he doesn’t have to. After ten years, and despite two victories, he’s still being targeted by activists who want to ...