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Showing 105 results for "305 parents children sue spain over anti christian education"
  • Jonathan Scruggs serves as senior counsel and vice president of litigation strategy and the Center for Conscience Initiatives with Alliance Defending Freedom. In this role, he identifies new litigation opportunities and develops new strategies for protecting free speech and religious liberty in collaboration with the chief legal counsel and litigation team directors. As the leader of the Center for Conscience Initiatives, Scruggs oversees the litigation team defending the rights of professionals and business owners to live out their faith as well as the litigation efforts to protect equal ...
  • Susan David serves as Vice President of Communication Operations and Constituent Communications at Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Michael Farris, Jr., serves as Legal Content Manager for Alliance Defending Freedom and is a Virginia-born Mountain West lover who is currently bogged down in the Deep South.
  • Ryan serves as the Communication Integrity Specialist at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • John F. Rogers is the director of operations for U.S. Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), and has served the organization since 1977.
  • Valerie Londono serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom. She primarily advises members of ADF’s Church and Ministry Alliance to help them navigate religious liberty issues and protect their constitutional freedoms.
  • Hailey Vrdolyak serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where she is a member of the Center for Conscience Initiatives.
  • Denise Harle serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where she is the director of the Center for Life.
  • Bob Pruitt serves as Senior Counsel, Corporate Affairs with Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Leah Rodriguez attends Liberty University, where she is earning a BS in Law and Policy and minoring in both Criminal Justice and Government. She currently lives in D.C. and serves as Public Relations Intern for ADF.