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Showing 220 results for "what happens when thousands people take stand life"
  • What Is a Generational Win? ADF is focused on achieving five … family are the foundation for all of human civilization. When the law fosters strong marriages and strong families, … role in the lives of their children. Our parents take care of us before we can take care of ourselves, …
  • What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life? The dictionary definition … and against abortion tend to revolve around definitions. When does life begin? What is a person? What does viability … the March for Life—the annual gathering of hundreds of thousands of pro-life advocates in Washington, D.C.— chose as …
  • What Is Freedom? True freedom is not primarily a freedom … thought of your favorite place to travel or your favorite people to spend time with. Or maybe you think of rights like … or constraints.” In other words, you have negative liberty when there aren’t external factors (such as laws) restraining …
  • When Love Is Called Hate, Still Choose Love Love seeks the … it raises much deeper issues about the nature of what hatred is and, more importantly, what love is. Does our … others? Quite the opposite. It is a deep love for all people that motivates our work, but it is a love that is …
  • What Is Freedom of Speech? There is a reason that America’s … pursue truth, learn new ideas, and express one’s thoughts. When we talk with other people, we learn, grow in understanding, and shape each …
  • When Big Banks Discriminate Americans should not risk losing … risk policy language. But one struggles to understand what is so objectionable about Indigenous Advance. The … U.S. and around the world. View Profile … … 8722 … 7664 … When Big Banks Discriminate … 21244 … freedom of association …
  • What Is Alliance Defending Freedom? Alliance Defending … good news about Jesus and his sacrifice. They were healing people and bringing them into Jesus’ kingdom. The leaders of … of life. Alliance Defending Freedom is here to win When allies partner with ADF to protect their freedoms, they …
  • What Cancel Culture Is and Isn’t The term "cancel culture" is … heard of “cancel culture.” The term is used liberally by people across the political aisle to refer to instances when people are publicly shamed for controversial words or …
  • What Is a Nonprofit? Alliance Defending Freedom is a … to secure Generational Wins in the five key areas below: Life is safeguarded – Guaranteeing the right to life from … free speech for all One graphic artist in Colorado took a stand for every American’s freedom from government censorship …
  • What Is the Blackstone Legal Fellowship? The Blackstone Legal … teachers of this idea, and the Founders drew on his wisdom when drafting our Constitution. Sadly, many Americans today … committed to continually fostering relationships with the thousands of Fellows who are already in the Blackstone Legal …