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Showing 500 results for "one students stand restores free speech iowa state university"
  • … Pro-Life Students School Professor on Free Speech A professor at … their views. And at California State University, Fresno, one professor went to great lengths to censor the speech of … $26,000 in attorneys’ fees and $2,000 in damages. The bold stand of Bernadette and her peers produced concrete results …
  • … What Is a Free Speech Zone? Many colleges and universities designate an … zone and designate it as the only place on campus where students and faculty can exercise their First Amendment … told him he had to get advanced permission and reserve one of two tiny speech zones on campus that were only open 10 …
  • … The Administrative State: The Lawmakers No One Votes For The unchecked power of … on the right to life and the rights of conscience, speech, and religion, as well as parental rights, often …
  • … Counselor Challenged Washington State Law That Threatens Free Speech, Harms Clients Brian Tingley challenged a … and clients can discuss. This didn’t sit well with one counselor, who challenged the law in court. Brian Tingley … the best interest of his clients. So he decided to take a stand. And he reached out to Alliance Defending Freedom for …
  • … States Can’t Coerce Financial Institutions to Violate Free Speech The Court ruled that government officials ‘cannot … on a controversial cultural issue, the Court spoke with one voice, without dissent, in favor of free speech. …
  • … How Preferred Pronouns Threaten Free Speech ‘Preferred pronouns’ may sound harmless, but they … The Fellowship of the Ring , Boromir says concerning the one ring, “Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so … universities are adopting policies requiring staff to use students’ preferred pronouns or face punishment. Some …
  • Free speech is under attack in America. Students from elementary … Those are not the values our country was founded upon. Free speech is only “free” if we can say what we …
  • … join with more than 9,400 friends of freedom nationwide to stand for Free Speech. I stand against the efforts of government officials …
  • … Public-Accommodation Laws Must Respect, Not Violate, Free Speech In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that government … ensure people have access to basic goods and services. No one should be denied food at a restaurant, a ticket at a …
  • … New York Is Violating Photographer’s Free Speech Photographer Emilee Carpenter wants to create art … for Alliance Defending Freedom are currently litigating one of those cases— 303 Creative v. Elenis —before the …