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Showing 317 results for "what happens when thousands people take stand life"
  • … playing field. It’s very frustrating and heartbreaking when us girls are at the start of the race and we already … ADF Legal Counsel Christiana Holcomb That’s exactly what happened to Selina, Chelsea, and Alanna. And that’s … legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith. ADF was launched in …
  • … And in a moment, the police—and the children—were gone. What horrific crime had this family committed to deserve such … few parental rights remain for people of faith in Germany. When the German government took the Wunderlichs’ children … family’s story is a warning for us all. This is what happens when freedom is not protected. But it’s more than a …
  • … a lot like you. But his world was turned upside down when a Lexington commission threatened to take away his … he would lose his business. “I felt sick, thinking about what might happen to the people who worked for us. But worse … The investigator demanded that Blaine produce thousands of pages of documents about his business, and the …
  • … a nurse to save lives, but her world crumbled around her when her supervisors demanded that she end a life or lose her … inspired her to become a nurse so that she could help people, too. Her dream of saving lives led her to leave her … stand, many other pro-life nurses won’t have to go through what she did. DONATE NOW Christians are facing discrimination …
  • … Wisconsin laws threatened to compel photographer to take photographs and write blog posts promoting same-sex … clinics so that she can highlight the amazing work and people at pregnancy health clinics as well as the precious …   UW-Madison students support freedom for Muslim singers. What about Christian photographers? Amy’s desire to create …
  • … ministries in Washington remain under threat. Donate Now What is Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission? The roots of … Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission go all the way back to 1932 when it started feeding and caring for others during the … violation of the Mission’s religious freedom. There are thousands of people in Seattle who need the help and care …
  • What Is a Generational Win? ADF is focused on achieving five … family are the foundation for all of human civilization. When the law fosters strong marriages and strong families, … role in the lives of their children. Our parents take care of us before we can take care of ourselves, …
  • What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life? The dictionary definition … and against abortion tend to revolve around definitions. When does life begin? What is a person? What does viability … the March for Life—the annual gathering of hundreds of thousands of pro-life advocates in Washington, D.C.— chose as …
  • … Sarah Stites When she was a senior at Thomas Jefferson High School for … of community service. So, I asked the faculty sponsor if what I was doing at my church could count as my NHS service … commotion. Some of my friends were a little surprised—most people at my school lean Left. But a history teacher I’d …
  • What Is Freedom? True freedom is not primarily a freedom … thought of your favorite place to travel or your favorite people to spend time with. Or maybe you think of rights like … or constraints.” In other words, you have negative liberty when there aren’t external factors (such as laws) restraining …