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Showing 411 results for "news you should know demoralizing world girls sports"
  • … Latest News July 11, 2024 Female athletes ask SCOTUS to protect … for harmful procedures, which it will not do. Doctors should be allowed to fulfill their Hippocratic Oath to do no … voluntarily consent to the procedure. The Women’s Right to Know Act is designed to inform women of the risks of …
  • Should Men Be Allowed to Compete in Women's Sports?   SIGN … spectators of their own sports. Our government needs to know that you support protecting female athletes from being forced to …
  • … The Equality Act: What You Need to Know Coercive sexual orientation and gender … Equality Act undermine both fairness and freedom. Latest News: House passes discriminatory, deceptively named … sex, and what it means to be male and female. No one should face censorship and punishment for speaking the truth …
  • News & Media Are you a member of the media? ADF has a website designated just … file two separate petitions with high court in two women’s sports cases Culture Indiana music teacher returns to 7th … 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … Next › Next page Last » Last page … News & Media … 17887 … 17873 … Media …
  • … The Docket: News and Commentary Articles from ADF Are We Deaf to the … Corporate Cancellation's Threat to Freedom No one should lose access to their social media account—let alone … to ban it. Use or Lose Your Rights When we are facing a world of compromise, we offer the joy of conviction. …
  • … When you partner with us, you join an alliance Thank you for … I follow religious liberty cases closer than most, I know how vital their work is. But it is very, very costly. Christians everywhere should donate generously to ADF (it’s tax-deductible); you
  • You can help defend freedom with your donor-advised fund Your … speech, and marriage and family in America and around the world. Now, you can help keep the doors open for the Gospel … a grant online. When you make a DAF grant request, you should find our ministry: Alliance Defending Freedom …
  • … What You Should Know About the Respect for Marriage Act The misnamed ‘Respect … Policy. View Profile … … 7657 … 7648 … 7649 … 7617 … What You Should Know About the Respect for Marriage Act … 19129 … …
  • … Why Male Athletes Who Identify as Transgender Should Not Compete in Women’s Sports  Should transgender … who identify as transgender compete in women’s sports? If you’ve listened to any major news outlets recently, you’d hear a resounding “yes.” …
  • … What You May Not Know: How ADF Helped Overturn Roe v. Wade Many … closely following the Dobbs case—did not expect to see the news that Roe v. Wade had been overturned. But that is just … originalists and textualists, or those who believe courts should base their judgments on the vision of the Founding …