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Showing 149 results for "virginia huge fines churches ministries operating according beliefs"
  • … Religious Freedom Prevails After Christian Orgs Challenge Virginia ‘Values’ Act Two churches, three schools, and a pregnancy center network … Values Act threatened religious organizations with fines of up to $100,000 per violation simply for following …
  • … ADF Seeking to Protect Women’s Sports in West Virginia Soccer player Lainey Armistead intervened in a lawsuit to defend fairness in women’s sports in West Virginia. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published … 2021 Revised April 30, 2024 Update – April 24, 2024: West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey announced that his …
  • … This Photographer Made It Clear: Censorship Is Not a Virginia Value  Photographer Bob Updegrove challenged the … consequences, this law threatened artists with censorship, fines, and even closure of their businesses if they wouldn’t … for events of all kinds. Bob captures photos for churches, schools, businesses, conferences, families and …
  • … Major Victory: Court Revives Lawsuit of Virginia Teacher Fired Over Compelled Pronouns Peter Vlaming, a high school French teacher in Virginia, was fired for respectfully declining to use … for a female student because it would contradict his core beliefs. This was about more than just pronouns; it was about …
  • … In Targeting a Christian School for Its Beliefs, the Government Is Harming Low-Income Students A … hardship for a small private school like Bethel. Bethel Ministries v. Salmon Bethel Christian Academy had … children Bethel serves. Case timeline June 2019 : Bethel Ministries, with the help of ADF, filed a federal lawsuit …
  • … This Volunteer Chaplain Was Fired—For His Christian Beliefs Dr. Andrew Fox was fired from his position as … a volunteer Christian chaplain fired for his Christian beliefs? That’s right. Dr. Andrew Fox, who served as lead … realized that he was being asked to explicitly recant his beliefs. But that was something he could not do. Nonetheless, …
  • … be able to hire people who believe and adhere its biblical beliefs. Mike Johnson, the Mission’s CEO and a former Army … .” One of the justices even labeled hiring practices by ministries like the Mission as a “license to discriminate.” … Ryan Tucker , director of the ADF Center for Christian Ministries. “We are urging the 9th Circuit to allow the …
  • … Michigan should be free to operate and serve the community according to their beliefs. Written by Alliance Defending … its religious beliefs—a standard practice among religious ministries that is permitted by federal law and in almost … subject Christian Healthcare to steep penalties, including fines of $50,000, loss of medical license, and even possible …
  • … Music Teacher Forced Out for His Religious Beliefs John Kluge was forced to resign from his job as an orchestra teacher because of his religious beliefs. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published … as an elder, a worship leader, and the head of youth ministries at his church. Because of this faith, John holds …
  • … Hires Christians Oregon officials excluded Youth 71Five Ministries from a public grant program because of the ministry’s religious beliefs. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published … verse that inspires the name and mission of Youth 71Five Ministries. Since 1964, 71Five has been serving children in …