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  • When Julea Ward walked into the room of professors from the counseling department, she hoped to find more tolerance than she’d received from her counseling supervisor at Eastern Michigan University. She was wrong.
  • Blaine Adamson, the owner of Hands On Originals, a promotional printing company, has turned down several requests to create shirts based on the message that he was asked to print on them.
  • Dr. Michael Campion is a licensed clinical psychologist who taught at the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois for 18 years, and is sought after for research projects by the U.S. Department of Justice. He is also a Christian, pro-family, and politically conservative -- a problem for the city of Minneapolis.
  • College was a rude awakening for Emily Brooker. Her freshman year, she received a class assignment to perform homosexual behavior in public, such as holding hands or kissing, and then write a paper about the experience.
  • Tucked away into the rolling hills of Vermont lies the Wildflower Inn, a picturesque bed and breakfast and the home of the owners, the O’Reilly family. Despite the beautiful surroundings, the Inn was mired in over a decade of ugly controversy over the rights of it’s owners to operate according to their faith.
  • Madison, Wisconsin laws threatened to compel photographer to take photographs and write blog posts promoting same-sex marriage pro-abortion groups and to publish those photographs and posts on the internet.
  • Learn more about the landmark Supreme Court case Trinity Lutheran v. Comer, and how a church in Missouri won a major victory for religious liberty.
  • One church in the Bronx borough of New York City spent two decades fighting for the ability to meet in public spaces.
  • Ruling says rules requiring employees to obtain city’s permission before writing a book are unconstitutional
  • The following statement was delivered by cake artist Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop at a news conference following the oral arguments that took place Tuesday at the U.S. Supreme Court.