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  • ADF sues school district on behalf of CO families for violating parents' rights
  • Colorado nurse midwife defends helping women who regret abortion
  • CO offers free preschool program, but prohibits Christian schools that want to participate
  • Kaley Chiles works as a licensed professional counselor in Colorado who helps clients with various issues, including gender identity and sexual orientation. Chiles sees her work as an outgrowth of her Christian faith, and numerous clients come to her because she shares their own faith-based convictions and worldview. These clients believe that life will be more fulfilling if aligned with the teachings of their faith. Though Chiles never promises that she can solve these issues, she, like her Christian clients, believes that sexuality and gender identity issues can, with God’s help, be brought ...
  • Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips has been targeted, and has now been forced into a third legal action.
  • A Colorado law would have forced web designer Lorie Smith and her studio, 303 Creative, to design and publish websites promoting messages that violate her religious beliefs.
  • ADF attorneys representing Ratio Christi challenge policy limiting students’ free speech, association
  • ADF attorneys filed suit against Colorado officials on behalf of Jack Phillips after they took action against him again after the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling.
  • Six Christian non-profit organizations filed suit against the Obama administration’s mandate.
  • The Colorado Civil Rights Commission targeted Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop for creating cake art according to his religious beliefs.