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  • It is the essence of the New Testament, from Jesus’ first words to His first disciples, to the closing lines of Revelation: an invitation to come. Nothing forced, nothing rushed, no pressure… just a gracious extension of earthly hospitality, rife with eternal implications.
  • Alliance Defense Fund files lawsuit saying public school students don’t leave First Amendment rights at the school door
  • SCOTTSDALE, AZ – The Alliance Defense Fund, America’s largest public interest religious liberty legal alliance, has announced the launch of its nationwide Christmas Project to combat senseless and reoccurring annual attempts to censor Christmas. "We expect the ACLU and its usual ‘freedom from religion’ allies, along with uninformed, misguided government officials in many communities to once again attempt to turn the joy of Christmas into a divisive ‘separation of church and state’ controversy," said Alan E. Sears, president of the Alliance Defense Fund. "Somebody will set up a Christmas crèche ...
  • ADF lawsuit sparked by ban on ‘Christmas story hour’ invitations results in approval of Christian-themed fliers, but school decides to scrap take-home program
  • ADF attorneys file suit against Garfield Heights Board of Education for using unconstitutional policy to prohibit Christmas fliers