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  • Bradley Abramson serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he plays an integral role on the Allied Legal Affairs Team.
  • Alan Sears served as founder of Alliance Defending Freedom, building on his experience as longtime leader of the organization to strengthen alliances, forge new relationships, and develop ADF resources.
  • John C. Delaney, II serves as executive ecumenical liaison with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he develops key alliances with churches and ecclesial organizations.
  • Natalie Allen serves as Legislative Communications & Initiatives Manager at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Lance has served Alliance Defending Freedom since 2013 and is currently the Senior Vice President of Development.
  • AnnMarie serves as Direct Response Project Manager at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Taylor is a Communications student at Liberty University and is finishing up her senior year while interning with ADF's Media Relations Team.
  • The ADF Church Alliance and the ADF Ministry Alliance exist to help prepare and protect churches and religious ministries.
  • Jake Warner serves as legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom’s Appellate Team.
  • Charles Snow serves as Content Director at Alliance Defending Freedom, where he supports ADF's communications and fundraising efforts.