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Showing 280 results for "when did our government decide it could tell patients what feel"
  • When Self-Expression Becomes Our Identity If our identities are (wrongly) defined by our … beliefs.” And for over a decade now , activists and government officials have misused Colorado law to threaten …
  • … and against abortion tend to revolve around definitions. When does life begin? What is a person? What does viability … understanding of what it means to be pro-life. Where did the term “pro-life” come from? Even before the U.S. … whose lives are in dire need of protection. Sadly, our culture often devalues the lives of the elderly and …
  • … freedom ‘from’ external restraints or a freedom ‘to’ enact our own will but a freedom ‘for’ something greater than … or constraints.” In other words, you have negative liberty when there aren’t external factors (such as laws) restraining … were protesting a law, negative liberty would say that the government can’t take away your microphone to prevent you …
  • … efforts predate any organized form of record keeping. It is safe to assume humans would not be anywhere near as prosperous as we are today without our fellow man coming alongside to help us in our need. … the advancement of religion, lessening the burdens of government, and defending human and civil rights secured by …
  • … in a free society. For much of human history, free speech did not exist. And in many countries across the world today, … dangers of tyranny. As Americans, this freedom is one of our most cherished rights. But what is freedom of speech, … pursue truth, learn new ideas, and express one’s thoughts. When we talk with other people, we learn, grow in …
  • What Are Parental Rights? Parents, not the government, have the right to raise their children. Written … to their daughter without their knowledge or consent. How did this happen? The Meads were involved in their daughter’s … working closely with school officials to support her. But when their daughter expressed a desire to be referred to by a …
  • … a significant victory that changes the law and culture of our nation for a generation. It is sustained by deliberate … the womb and that life is protected as a human right. The government should ensure everyone has the opportunity to live … family are the foundation for all of human civilization. When the law fosters strong marriages and strong families, …
  • … and many other like-minded organizations to join us in our mission to keep the door open for the Gospel by defending … of life. Alliance Defending Freedom is here to win When allies partner with ADF to protect their freedoms, they … clear hostility toward Jack’s beliefs, the Court did not rule on the question of whether Colorado’s …
  • … by people across the political aisle to refer to instances when people are publicly shamed for controversial words or … In order to conquer cancel culture, each one of us has to decide to share our thoughts and hear others out in a spirit of civility. …
  • … upon Americans. In fact, they believed the government did not have the power to bestow rights at all. Instead, … teachers of this idea, and the Founders drew on his wisdom when drafting our Constitution. Sadly, many Americans today have seemingly …