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Showing 232 results for "virginia huge fines churches ministries operating according beliefs"
  • … This Photographer Made It Clear: Censorship Is Not a Virginia Value  Photographer Bob Updegrove challenged the … consequences, this law threatened artists with censorship, fines, and even closure of their businesses if they wouldn’t … for events of all kinds. Bob captures photos for churches, schools, businesses, conferences, families and …
  • … Religious Freedom Prevails After Christian Orgs Challenge Virginia ‘Values’ Act Two churches, three schools, and a pregnancy center network … Values Act threatened religious organizations with fines of up to $100,000 per violation simply for following …
  • … ADF Asks Supreme Court to Protect Women’s Sports in West Virginia Soccer player Lainey Armistead intervened in a lawsuit to defend fairness in women’s sports in West Virginia. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published … Revised July 12, 2024 July 11, 2024: The states of West Virginia and Idaho, together with attorneys from Alliance …
  • … Major Victory: Court Revives Lawsuit of Virginia Teacher Fired Over Compelled Pronouns Peter Vlaming, a high school French teacher in Virginia, was fired for respectfully declining to use … for a female student because it would contradict his core beliefs. This was about more than just pronouns; it was about …
  • … In Targeting a Christian School for Its Beliefs, the Government Is Harming Low-Income Students A … hardship for a small private school like Bethel. Bethel Ministries v. Salmon Bethel Christian Academy had … speech … free exercise … religious freedom … Christian … churches and pastors … education … k-12 … Maryland … Bethel …
  • … This Volunteer Chaplain Was Fired—For His Christian Beliefs Dr. Andrew Fox was fired from his position as … a volunteer Christian chaplain fired for his Christian beliefs? That’s right. Dr. Andrew Fox, who served as lead … realized that he was being asked to explicitly recant his beliefs. But that was something he could not do. Nonetheless, …
  • … Michigan should be free to operate and serve the community according to their beliefs. Written by Alliance Defending … its religious beliefs—a standard practice among religious ministries that is permitted by federal law and in almost … subject Christian Healthcare to steep penalties, including fines of $50,000, loss of medical license, and even possible …
  • … be able to hire people who believe and adhere its biblical beliefs. Mike Johnson, the Mission’s CEO and a former Army … .” One of the justices even labeled hiring practices by ministries like the Mission as a “license to discriminate.” … Ryan Tucker , director of the ADF Center for Christian Ministries. “We are urging the 9th Circuit to allow the …
  • … hiring only those who share and live out their religious beliefs. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published … to hire people who don’t agree with its foundational beliefs or risk punishment by the state. What is Yakima Union … Mission of Homeless Ministry … 20267 … religious freedom … ministries … Washington … Washington Law Threatens Mission of …
  • … School Tells Christian Teacher to ‘Put Her Beliefs Aside’ Vivian Geraghty was forced to resign because … from speaking in a way that would violate her religious beliefs. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published … as a condition of employment—and she shouldn’t have to according to the First Amendment. The school officials …