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Showing 3588 results for "detailspages press release details hhs moves to ensure faith based adoption foster care providers free to serve kids in need"
  • … Concluded U.S. Courts of Appeals Reddy v. Foster Details Documents Resources Summary A New Hampshire … abortion facility escorts, allowing such individuals to engage in speech and expressive activities favorable to
  • in some states are discriminating against people of faith who seek to foster or adopt by excluding Americans with traditional … government discriminates against foster/adoptive parents based on their religious beliefs, children are harmed. These …
  • … For Kids v. Illinois Department of Employment Security Details Documents Profiles Summary The Illinois Department of Employment Security attempted to assess unemployment compensation taxes to By The Hand Club … and Bible studies in addition to free food and medical care to underprivileged children. Case Documents Court Title …
  • … Protecting faith-based adoption providers is best for kids   KEEP KIDS FIRST Some government officials are trying to shut down faith-based adoption and foster care
  • … Won U.S. Courts of Appeals Pregnancy Care Center of New York v. City of New York Details Documents Summary In March 2011, the New York City … of a medical facility or provided ultrasounds, to speak three messages: (1) whether the center has a …
  • … U.S. District Courts Caring Families v. City of Hartford Details Documents Resources Profiles Summary The city of … forced a life-affirming, faith-based pregnancy care center to make compelled statements using signs inside and outside … Administrative Agency ADF letter to U.S. Dept. of HHS 5/21/2019 Trial Court Complaint 4/18/2019 Additional …
  • … Courts Owasso Kids for Christ v. Owasso Public Schools Details Documents Profiles Summary Oklahoma school district … officials revoked Christian children's club’s ability to promote itself to students as other community-led groups … Schools … students … public school … Oklahoma … k-12 … free speech … equal access … education … Case:Owasso Kids for …
  • … Resource Center of Southeastern Connecticut v. Tong Details Documents Resources Profiles Summary A Connecticut … Center of Southeastern Connecticut filed a federal lawsuit to challenge this law and be able to continue providing … critical services to women without fear of discrimination based on the center’s pro-life views. Under the law, the …
  • … Church v. California Department of Managed Health Care Details Documents Resources Profiles Summary Skyline Wesleyan … Church in the San Diego area, is very strongly opposed to abortion. But now, the California Department of Managed … What's at stake The ability of churches to abide by their faith and not be forced to pay for abortions. Our role in
  • … Court The Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford v. Rauner Details Videos Documents Resources Summary Illinois Gov. … a bill into law that forces doctors and medical facilities to promote abortion regardless of their ethical or moral … Title Date Administrative Agency Complaint filed with HHS on behalf of Dr. Anthony Caruso and A Bella Baby OBGYN …