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Showing 3309 results for "sneak peek alan sears talks religious liberty rfras same sex marriage vice"
  • Right now, government officials here and around the world are trying to make faith a private matter. Under this worldview, beliefs—including historic Christian beliefs—that the state doesn’t like must be silenced. This is wrong. It violates the God-given dignity of every human being. And you can help do something about it. Your gift today is critical. The generosity of people like you will help protect your right to raise your family, live out your beliefs, and express your faith—without fear of government punishment. Whatever you give will be combined with a special $500,000 challenge grant ...
  • Despite all the good that pro-life pregnancy care centers like Branches Pregnancy Resource Center do for their community, the State of Vermont has targeted them with a new law. Government officials want to silence their voice and strip them of their ability to serve moms and babies. Why? Because they aren’t on board with the state’s radical abortion agenda. That’s wrong. And it’s unconstitutional. We’re standing with these pregnancy care centers in Vermont in a new lawsuit to protect their right to live and speak the truth. The state should be encouraging more organizations to serve vulnerable ...
  • No parent should be kept in the dark about what’s happening with their child at school. And no teacher should be forced to comply with mandates from gender activists forcing them to violate their beliefs. But that’s what’s happening in school districts across the country. Stand with parents who are defending their rights to raise their children according to their beliefs, and with teachers and staff willing to speak the truth to activist school officials in places like Virginia’s Harrisonburg City Public Schools (HCPS). Alliance Defending Freedom is standing with these brave parents and ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to ADF International Director of UN Advocacy Elyssa Koren regarding the signing of the Geneva Consensus Declaration, a joint declaration by the U.S. and 31 other countries affirming their commitment to protecting pregnant mothers and their unborn children and unequivocally declaring that there is no human right to abortion: “Today, 32 countries have confirmed their commitment to protecting human rights for the most vulnerable members of society. The Geneva Consensus Declaration, signed by world leaders, makes clear that there is ‘no international right to ...
  • Who is Liam? Liam is a 12-year-old student at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts. He was punished by the school for wearing a t-shirt that says, “There are only two genders.” Why what happened to Liam matters Students don’t forfeit their free speech when they walk into school. It’s not just about a shirt—it’s about government officials telling a middle-schooler that he can’t say something that’s important to him, just because they disapprove of what he said. That’s not freedom. If the government can censor Liam, it can censor any student. The School’s Actions are Illegal All ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Mathew Hoffmann regarding the State University of New York Cortland Student Government Association’s decision Monday to approve a Turning Point USA chapter as an officially recognized club after the student government originally voted to withhold recognized status from it: “SUNY Cortland students Gabriella Delorenzo and Megan Rothmund worked hard to form a TPUSA chapter at the university to bring together students who value freedom, free markets, and limited government. The Student Government Association rightly ...
  • … raise their children in line with their philosophical and religious convictions—something they believe they can do … raise their children in line with their philosophical and religious convictions—something they believe they can do …
  • … the college argued that Chike peacefully sharing his religious beliefs should receive no constitutional … student speech … student rights … university … education … religious freedom … free speech … Supreme Court of the United …
  • You see what's happening across the country and in your community. Your right to free speech, the fairness of women's sports, and the sanctity of life are all under threat. You know it's time to take a stand. Your commitment is crucial. Give today, and your first gift will be matched while funds last, doubling your impact! Your support will help Alliance Defending Freedom stand for the freedoms that matter to you. You've seen our victories —15 U.S. Supreme Court wins in the last twelve years and more than 500 other triumphs in courts across the country. Now, we need you to be part of today’s ...
  • You see what's happening across the country and in your community. Your right to free speech, the fairness of women's sports, and the sanctity of life are all under threat. You know it's time to take a stand. Your commitment is crucial. Give today, and your first gift will be matched while funds last, doubling your impact! Your support will help Alliance Defending Freedom stand for the freedoms that matter to you. You've seen our victories —15 U.S. Supreme Court wins in the last twelve years and more than 500 other triumphs in courts across the country. Now, we need you to be part of today’s ...