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  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom CEO, President, and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding Friday’s landmark 50th annual March for Life, the first in a post- Roe v. Wade America : “The March for Life is the largest pro-life event in the world, with hundreds of thousands of people gathering every year at our nation’s capital to decry the greatest human rights violation of our time—abortion—and stand in the gap for the unborn. This year is particularly meaningful as we rejoice over the countless lives that will be saved since the U.S. Supreme Court ...
  • Dr. David Phillips had spoken out about the harms of racially divisive ideologies.
  • ADF attorneys filed friend-of-the-court brief in defense of Indiana law that preserves fairness, equality for girls’ sports
  • Vivian Geraghty was forced to resign because she wanted to refrain from speaking in a way that would violate her religious beliefs.
  • After ADF filed a lawsuit, the New Mexico legislature passed a law protecting doctors from having to facilitate physician-assisted suicide.
  • When Assistant Principal Emily Mais merely questioned the CRT-inspired curriculum that her school was forcing on students, she was ostracized, harassed, shamed, and even called racist. She saw that the “anti-racist” teaching training was actually directing teachers to be racist in seeing their students as members of groups, based on skin color, and treating them differently based on their race. The work environment got so bad that Emily was eventually forced to resign. With her Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys, Emily has sued the school district, which violated her constitutionally ...
  • Radical gender activism continues to make alarming inroads into mainstream medicine. While the medical field exists to promote health and human flourishing, far too many no longer adhere to the concept of “do no harm.” Instead, they promote harmful “gender affirming care,” which denies biological reality, and they push harmful cross-sex hormones and dangerous surgeries which permanently alter children’s bodies. Children cannot consent to drugs and surgeries that catastrophically and permanently harm their bodies. Alabama wants to protect minors from destructive and unnecessary medical ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Friday to hear Groff v. DeJoy, a case that would ensure religious employees of all faiths are provided with meaningful religious accommodations in the workplace as required by federal law: “Federal law protects employees’ ability to live and work according to their religious beliefs. Employers must provide reasonable accommodations for employees’ religious practice unless doing so imposes undue hardships on their ...
  • ADF attorneys appealed to 6th Circuit on behalf of American College of Pediatricians, Catholic Medical Association
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of U.S. Litigation David Cortman regarding a federal court’s decision Thursday to dismiss Hunter v. U.S. Department of Education and continue to allow students to direct federal tuition assistance to educational institutions that share their religious beliefs. The lawsuit was filed by an activist group and was intended to prevent any students from using tuition grants, student loans, and any other federal financial assistance at schools that operate according to religious beliefs on gender or ...