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  • The Rockford Public School District betrayed parents’ trust by secretly referring to their daughter by a masculine name and male pronouns.
  • ADF attorneys representing First Choice Women’s Resource Centers sue state official for unconstitutional subpoena
  • Hello friends. As we step into 2024, I want to let you know how thankful I am for you and your support. 2023 was a turbulent year for Americans, with continued threats to our God-given right to live and speak the Truth, plus a challenging economy and deep instability around the world. In our cultural moment, speaking and acting truthfully—with love—is vital. You chose to stand with Alliance Defending Freedom in your end-of-year giving. From our entire team, thank you. We know that none of our victories—not a single one—are possible apart from the grace of God and the support of Ministry ...
  • ADF attorneys favorably settle lawsuit on behalf of Country Mill Farms, owner Steve Tennes
  • Four women consistently deprived of honors, medals by male athletes can proceed with their case, appeals court says
  • Elon Musk offered to cover your legal bill if you were unfairly treated by an employer because of something you tweeted — but what about mistreatment by the government? In Finland, Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen stood trial twice for charges of “hate speech” over a 2019 Tweet that included a Bible verse and questioned her church’s participation in a local Pride parade. Despite being acquitted twice, the Finnish state prosecutor has decided to appeal the second unanimous court decision that exonerated Päivi and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola of “hate speech” allegations for sharing their ...
  • Historic ruling affirms broad right to speak according to conscience and beliefs
  • Each year, hundreds of critical legal battles affecting your religious freedom and the freedoms of countless others are waged with the help of the ADF Grants and Funding program. In the months ahead, we expect to continue to be flooded with grant requests! Your tax-deductible gift today will help the Grants and Funding program respond to the growing threats to your most cherished freedoms and your brothers and sisters in Christ. We never want to turn down an important grant because of a lack of funds. Every $1 you give today can have up to four times the impact thanks to the donated time and ...
  • The Biden administration’s policies have put your freedoms in jeopardy. The administration is: Trying to force colleges and universities to open girls’ dorm rooms and locker rooms to males. Redefining “sex” in federal law to include “gender identity” and in doing so effectively robbing female athletes of opportunities and fairness in women’s sports, undermining parents’ rights to teach their children about sex, and violating the freedoms of speech and religion by compelling “preferred pronouns” in violation of free speech—and truth. Working to expand abortion access through chemical abortion ...
  • Your Year-End Gift Will Help Maximize the Impact for Freedom Your God-given rights are facing mounting threats. And there’s simply too much at stake to not act. Will you stand with Alliance Defending Freedom at this critical moment and help take on three threats to the rights of all Americans in 2024? Your tax-deductible year-end gift—to be added to a special $500,000 challenge grant to maximize the impact for freedom—will help take on: Government censorship: The attacks on conscience are increasing as activists use government power to censor our speech. The redefinition of what it means to be ...