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  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Bowman regarding ADF’s filing of a public comment on a proposed Centers for Medicare and Medicaid rule that would remove the requirement for healthcare plans to separate out of their bills to the government any amounts related to abortion services for which federal funding is prohibited: “The majority of Americans do not want their hard-earned dollars going to support the federal funding of abortions. That’s why the Affordable Care Act doesn’t allow abortion and healthcare to be paid for together. The Biden ...
  • ADF attorneys represent Cedar Park Church; case now goes to district court
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding the House Appropriations Committee’s decision Thursday to approve a budget without the Hyde Amendment and other similar provisions that protect against taxpayer funding of abortion: “American taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to fund abortions or to subsidize the dangerous work of abortionists. Every innocent life deserves to be protected. Nearly 2.5 million lives have been saved by the Hyde Amendment since it went into effect 40 years ago. The majority of Americans support the Hyde Amendment ...
  • ADF attorneys available to media following oral arguments Friday
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Stephanie Nichols regarding Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s approval of vital conscience protections for doctors, nurses, and other medical providers as an amendment to the state budget. These protections ensure that medical professionals and organizations cannot be forced to participate in healthcare services that violate their conscience: “No American should be forced to violate their ethical and religious beliefs; doctors, nurses, and other medical providers are no different. The conscience protections included in the ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the Human Life Non-Discrimination Act, a bill that protects unborn children against discrimination based on their race or the presence of Down syndrome: “Every innocent life is worthy of protection. No one should be discriminated against because of his or her race, disability, or genetic makeup. This is especially true of unborn children who are being marked for death simply because someone has determined they are the wrong race, or because a ...
  • State argues it has legitimate interest in protecting babies who can feel pain; ‘viability’ is an arbitrary, outdated standard
  • Sue Thayer witnessed increasingly questionable business practices throughout Planned Parenthood that put women’s health at risk.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s signing Tuesday of SB 1457, a bill sponsored by Sen. Nancy Barto that limits taxpayer funding for abortion, ensures that unborn children cannot be discriminated against for reasons of genetic abnormalities, and implements reasonable regulations for at-home use of abortion-inducing drugs: “Every unborn life is valuable, precious, and worthy of protection. Senate Bill 1457 includes several commonsense measures that will protect innocent human life and the health and ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding a petition launched Wednesday by pro-life members of Congress to force the U.S. House of Representatives to vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill that would provide legal protections and ensure appropriate medical care for children who survive abortions: “We respectfully challenge our lawmakers, at both the state and federal levels, to affirm the basic human rights of vulnerable children, whether they are born or unborn. Every human life has immense value, and ...