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Showing 80 results for "issues parental rights page"
  • Issues Every human life is sacred, and the lifelong union of … of this is religious freedom which respects our natural rights as human beings. A good and thriving culture upholds … free speech, the value of life, the natural family, and parental rights. When one of these fundamental freedoms is …
  • Parental Rights ISSUES Parental Rights Parents bring us into the world … health and welfare. Notifying parents about these issues when they come up at school is not just common …
  • … … 21006 … 20997 … 20998 … Adoption and Foster Care Issue Page
  • … presented by Alliance Defending Freedom’s Center for Parental Rights Watch Now Do you know what your children and … has been a vocal advocate for the First Amendment and life issues across the country and has spoken alongside President …
  • … Ministry Friend Bill of Rights As a Ministry Friend who supports the work and … our Newsletter Always stay up to date. Join Now Share This Page Facebook Twitter … Ministry Friend Bill of Rights … 19543 … 3138 … Ministry Friend Bill of Rights
  • … Safeguarding the Rights of K-12 Educators The Constitution protects the right … Takes Stand for Religious Freedom. Learn More Defending Parental Rights in Public Schools Some schools have adopted … Learn more about how ADF is working to ensure that parental rights are protected. Parents, Not the Government, …
  • … you and your child need to be prepared to defend your rights. That’s why we’re offering this resource to you for … Included in this guide are answers to questions like: What rights do individual K-12 students have to express their faith at school? What rights do religious clubs have to access secondary school …
  • At ADF, we work daily to provide a strong legal defense for your religious freedom, the sanctity of life, free speech, and marriage and family in America.
  • … Tell me about defending freedom. These truths — these rights — matter because they are fundamental and because they … regular commentary on moral, cultural, and theological issues. Called “an articulate voice for conservative … Tribune , Dr. Mohler’s mission is to address contemporary issues from a Christian worldview. A native of Lakeland, …
  • … News and Commentary Articles from ADF Use or Lose Your Rights When we are facing a world of compromise, we offer the … abuse of power. Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … Next › Next page Last » Last page Sign Up for The Docket … The Docket: News and Commentary …