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Showing 68 results for "when biblical becomes political part 1"
  • … if your business was sued for operating according to biblical principles? What employment policies do you have in … While some business owners are cheered and commended when they blend certain beliefs and work, that isn't always …
  • … he found he was accruing enough information to tell when his teachers were giving him the straight scoop about … state, and federal — and when they were selling their own political perceptions. Luke wasn’t above questioning his … both, and for all the animated conversations he’d been a part of, in and out of the classroom, he knew his …
  • … based on their religious beliefs on gender and sexuality. When governments prioritize political ideology above the welfare of children in need of a … pregnancy centers from operating according to their biblical beliefs. This easy-to-understand resource describes …
  • … Christ PRAY Intercede for ADF clients, cases, and allies 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Speaks to our constant communication … this organization does. - Jeff, Fort Worth, Texas The best part of being an Ambassador is having found that there are so …
  • … of people like you, ADF has been able to defend churches when government officials have gone too far. We’ve filed … of the church, the more at risk your religious freedom becomes. Because what affects the church, affects YOU. If we … / Debit Card Card Number * Expiration * Expiration Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Expiration Year CVV * Check / Bank …
  • … At The Supreme Court   Here’s How this Pastor Responded When the City Subpoenaed His Sermons   Open Hostility Against … the Freedom to Pray   Forcing Churches to Fund Abortion?   When Administrators Empower the Mob, Free Speech Gets Vetoed …   Freeing Corporate America from its Far-Left Captors   When Big Brother Contracts Out Censorship to Big Business   …
  • … needs at this time). Sign up to receive email Job Alerts when new career opportunities become available. Sign Up for Job Alerts Sign up to receive email job alerts when new career opportunities become available. Alliance …
  • … and protect your right to teach and minister according to biblical principles – without fear of unjust government …
  • … name-calling and threats. The assaults climaxed one day when the whole group surrounded Monica at her locker. They … Monica’s students are reminded of a lesson that’s a vital part of her teaching: that they are unconditionally loved. … censorship of private conversations with clients The Biblical Case Against Critical Race Theory It’s important …
  • … so good and important to me?” She nursed the grudge, but when her husband expressed a desire to become more involved … realize that what I’m doing I’m doing for His glory, that becomes the focus, and my creative outlet just explodes. “In … with clients who identify as LGBT, but she also holds biblical beliefs about marriage. She would not, she knew, be …