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Showing 72 results for "card v city everett"
  • … Thank you for updating your information … Recurring Credit Card DP …
  • Coercing Lorie to express what she does not believe is downright unconstitutional. With assistance from the attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom, Lorie has taken her case to the Supreme Court, where she is standing to set a firm precedent for the free-speech rights of every American. She’ll stand against both the State of Colorado and the Biden administration, both of whom are fighting to deny her the right to speak freely. This type of government coercion can affect anyone—including you and your family. Please sign your name below to stand with Lorie and her family—and for free speech ...
  • Imagine feeling a conviction to adopt and care for other children—to love those who don’t even have one parent. And now imagine that your state is excluding you from adopting any child because you won’t agree to contradict your Christian beliefs— you won’t use inaccurate pronouns, take children to events like Pride parades, and facilitate a child’s access to dangerous procedures like potentially sterilizing puberty blockers. This is exactly the situation Jessica Bates faces in Oregon. Oregon officials are preventing Jessica from adopting because they disagree with her Christian beliefs—despite ...
  • What is happening? At a time when the need to provide children with a stable and loving home is at a point of “crisis,” many states are forcing adoptive parents to pass an ideological litmus test to qualify. In some states, if the parents aren’t willing to push the government’s message on sexuality and gender, they can’t adopt. Simply put: government officials and policies are actively discriminating against Americans of faith—prioritizing ideology over the needs of kids. That’s cruel, it harms children, and it’s unconstitutional. Who is harmed? Nearly 400,000 children are currently in the ...
  • When the government discriminates against foster/adoptive parents based on their religious beliefs, children are harmed. These kids need a forever home—not political ideology. Christians and the church have been key to providing resources and open arms to vulnerable children for hundreds of years. The earliest orphanages in North America were created by dedicated Christian groups, and these faithful people continue to lead the way today. Yet, some state officials now reject Christian and other religious families—forcing children to wait longer for a loving home—because they disagree with the ...
  • Despite all the good that pro-life pregnancy care centers like Branches Pregnancy Resource Center do for their community, the State of Vermont has targeted them with a new law. Government officials want to silence their voice and strip them of their ability to serve moms and babies. Why? Because they aren’t on board with the state’s radical abortion agenda. That’s wrong. And it’s unconstitutional. We’re standing with these pregnancy care centers in Vermont in a new lawsuit to protect their right to live and speak the truth. The state should be encouraging more organizations to serve vulnerable ...
  • It all began when Bank of America, one of the world’s largest banks sent abrupt notices to a Memphis-based church and Indigenous Advance, one of its ministry partners. The bank said they were closing their accounts and even the ministry’s credit cards. And they both had only 30 days to switch to a new bank. Bank of America didn’t even give a specific reason. All it said was that it simply no longer wanted to serve the ministries’ “business type” and that Indigenous Advance has exceeded the banks “risk tolerance.” But Indigenous Advance isn’t ideological or partisan. And it’s had the same ...
  • Radical gender activism continues to make alarming inroads into mainstream medicine. While the medical field exists to promote health and human flourishing, far too many no longer adhere to the concept of “do no harm.” Instead, they promote harmful “gender affirming care,” which denies biological reality, and they push harmful cross-sex hormones and dangerous surgeries which permanently alter children’s bodies. Children cannot consent to drugs and surgeries that catastrophically and permanently harm their bodies. Alabama wants to protect minors from destructive and unnecessary medical ...
  • … will be made easy. Just sign up today with your credit card or electronic check, and we’ll repeat that gift every …
  • … heavy fines, or other punishment. In Country Mill Farms v. City of East Lansing , she successfully defended the … customers at the city’s farmer’s market. In 303 Creative v. Elenis and Amy Lynn Photography Studio v. City of Madison …