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Showing 274 results for "detailspages press release details forensic analysis confirms planned parenthood undercover videos were not manipulated"
  • … Waggoner has a special message of gratitude for you. Not a single victory we win in court is possible apart from … the grace of God and Ministry Friends like you.  These are not just Alliance Defending Freedom’s victories. They are …
  • … itself, it was the contents of her private thoughts that were prohibited. This Orwellian policy simply cannot be …
  • … here would send the message that the needs of children—not political ideology—come first, and that families of faith …
  • … We’re taking on Jessica’s case to ensure that Oregon does not bar Jessica or other people of faith from …
  • ADF CEO, President and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner celebrates with supporters after arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court – where ADF has won 15 victories in the last 12 years! Our God-given freedoms face increasing threats from overreaching government officials. This is more than just a struggle for court victories. It’s a battle for truth, and one of the ways we win is by standing together to protect our God-given rights. You can do that right now by partnering with ADF with a monthly gift of just $19. Alliance Defending Freedom has been defending our rights for 30 years – and winning ...
  • … opportunities to compete at elite levels. It’s wrong. It’s not a fair playing field. And you can help do something about … history-defining moment. “Civil rights laws like Title IX were written to protect girls,” says one of the female athletes. “Not set them up to fail like the administration is doing with …
  • … opportunities to compete at elite levels. It’s wrong. It’s not a fair playing field. And you can help do something about … history-defining moment. “Civil rights laws like Title IX were written to protect girls,” says one of the female athletes. “Not set them up to fail like the administration is doing with …
  • Imagine feeling a conviction to adopt and care for other children—to love those who lack a loving home. And now imagine that your state is excluding you from adoption because you won’t contradict your beliefs— you won’t encourage a child to identify as the opposite sex or take them to receive cross-sex hormone shots intended to block their natural biological development. This is exactly the situation Jessica Bates faces in Oregon. Oregon officials are preventing Jessica and others like her from adopting a child if they believe sex is unchangeable—whether based on Scripture or biology. It’s a ...
  • … Travis Allen and his daughter, Blake, were suspended for speaking up. DONATE NOW When Blake Allen, … girls’ locker room where she and her volleyball teammates were changing. But when Blake raised her discomfort and concerns to school officials, they not only did nothing to protect the girls, they also …
  • Our God-given freedoms face increasing threats from overreaching government officials. This is more than just a struggle for court victories. It’s a battle for truth, and one of the ways we win is by standing together to protect our God-given rights. You can do that right now by partnering with ADF with a monthly gift of just $19. Alliance Defending Freedom has been defending our rights for 30 years – and winning. We’ve won 15 cases at the U.S. Supreme Court since 2011, and right now, we have two critical cases before the Court. We’re suing the U.S. Food & Drug Administration for removing its ...